Starting to get warm now.

Still nice having coffee at 6am on the patio.

Will be grilling full time soon

My girlfriend many years ago came to visit me and my family in metro Detroit

She lived in Mexico City; professor at a major university...

Totally freaked out that I got only 30 minutes for lunch.

Well, she did remark that I lived like a prince, but the cost of free time wasn't worth it in her world

She had a point.

Apples and mayonnaise. I slice up a banana and toss it in for power snack at work

Handful of grapes if they're there

My Dad was a state trooper. No ac in da UP, but had a ground unit in the Detroit area.

Used a bit in July/August but sparingly.

A fucking hero. Worthy of any military honor.

Justice was served and the puke died before he could rape & murder again

Cuz, ya know..recidivism.

I dig summer here. Ups and downs for sure.

Remember that I come from the Arctic, and ice fishing was fun

Wife had a nervous breakdown.

Twice in 18 months.

How am I feeling?

Drained. And fucking happy that I was there to help.

She's OK, with the occasional panic attacks.

I just tell people to fuck off.

It helps.

Legal bowl packed for you in AZ

Quenched with a fine peanut butter lager from our local brewery.

AZ state flag is kewl.

Grilled asparagus.

I wouldn't eat that shit before I was 50.

Now my pee smells funny.

I believe the flipping has come to an end here in Phoenix, at least for the non corporate backed buyers.

Can't purchase a craphole for less than $300k.

$4 per night and cut your own wood.

Sewer/water hookups now with a $20 visiting fee for a day.

Buying a foreclosed home when the banks get a write off, buyer gets a huge discount, and previous lien holders get to move in to a single wide trailer...if they're lucky.

Yes, because tomato plants, squash, etc. are sustaining, they are an eyesore to upwardly mobile folks that buy their meat in pristine packages where no animals were hurt in the process.

Weird thing is that they kinda went corporate.

It's all about the $ now.

Happy cake day to us.

Went to x country skis when lift tickets became unaffordable.


All of the yuppies got on board and decided they're gonna be meat smoking afficionados