One option would be to smash it up with a bat and yell "Who's fuckin car is this? Come out ya coward!"

But it's probably less stress to call the council and ask them to tow it

It's almost like the author is under the impression that choke in this context means "play really shit" rather than "squander a winning position"

Yeah I agree. As a long suffering Highlanders fan I've been following him closely and he's never been the same since he rushed back from that injury. It's crazy how he was a significantly better player at 21 than he is now at 24. It's not just that he hasn't developed, he's significantly regressed

He has the highest potential though. If he puts it all together he'll be starting at the next world cup but that's a big if at this stage. He seems to have regressed over the last few years

That stretch was longer than most guys careers tbf.

But I agree that amongst fast bowlers I'd still pick at least Hadlee, McGrath, Steyn, Ambrose, Marshall, and Waqar above him. Probably Walsh , Lillee, Pollock, Holding and Cummins too so he's probably just outside the top 20 for me not even including early legends that I never saw but his statistics definitely put him in the mix with all those guys and then when you combine that with his unprecedented longevity he's definitely someone who should be considered amongst the greats

Pretty fuckin low actually if you look it up. Yeah he's not quite Hadlee, McGrath, Marshall, Steyn etc and I don't really agree with Lara's premise in this article but to suggest he's not up there with the best and is just an economical bowler is quite foolish

I think a lot of people who haven't really been in bands, especially people who are more just fans than musicians, romanticise the idea of a band getting together in a room and creating a song from scratch when it is in fact a very uncommon thing.

Even in bands where everyone writes, you will usually have the individual writers coming to the band with demos that at the very least have chords, a vocal idea with a clear and defined melody and any important lead ideas or key riffs. Probably even more common is bringing fully fledged out demos including everyone's parts given how easy that is to do with the technology we have today. That doesn't mean that the individual players won't then further develop their own parts over time learning and practicing the song. Usually the core idea of a song is one person's creation though

Yeah feudal societies didn't really have a PAYE tax system like we do today. Lords would raise specific one off taxes to pay for various projects or expeditions in addition to set tariffs on the import and export of certain goods

What are you going round trying to rob people for? That guy gave you what you deserved

You need to sell the drugs, not smoke them

Possibly if there was an established pattern of a person or group buying a really high amount, especially if there were some other reasons to suspect they were involved in meth production.

More likely the chemist would be asking a lot more questions and be unlikely to sell without some really obvious symptoms. I think they would probably recommend you see a doctor if you're buying that much if the stuff

It's because it's a restricted product. So if someone is buying a lot of it they'll potentially want to look into that

I agree that he would be very very good but to suggest that he could start playing at the age of 27 and be 100x better than one of the best to ever play the game is a pretty outrageous statement

100x better than a consensus future immortal and one of the absolute goats of the modern game?

2 is true bypass, 3 has an amazing buffer

I'm thinking prime Cameron Smith with a dash of Jonathon Thurston

I think the beating around the bush probably made them think that you were trying to score or something. Just say you want pseudo and they'll ask you a few preliminary questions about other meds or if you're pregnant etc and then they'll take your name and address and sell it to you

The really key thing about LSV is the letter V. Everyone there is a volunteer who has chosen to be there. A lot of the great things about the course would not work if you were compelled to be there

It's hilarious when it's a story you hear about someone acting foolish or imagining it as a character in a sitcom. I imagine it's a lot less funny when it's a drunk, aggressive buffoon that you were previously a fan of getting up in your face for trying to tell them they played a great match

I don't think Sotutu and Blackadder are really in competition with one another. Sotutu is highly unlikely to play any position other than 8 for the all Blacks and it's pretty clear from the squad selected that they intend to use Savea as an 8 primarily.

Blackadder could play 8 in a pinch but is really in the squad as an option to play 6 or 7.

So really it was between Sotutu and Sititi as a specialist 8 behind Savea with Jacobsen as a utility providing additional cover for the position