After my 5 year I got to pick from a book of stuff. It was all dollar store quality stuff, like those really cheap pop open Bluetooth speakers that sound worse then the speaker on your phone, I thumbed through it, then said “no thanks” and handed the book back. They seem so confused a lowly pleb didn’t want free $5 junk.

I bought one of these. It was actually shocking how many wasps can name themselves into it to die.

I can’t wait to see it man, no joke either. Keep shreddin’

They perfectly applied rule 2 of this sub. They’re good to go.

Go through the garbage if you are willing and see if they left any incriminating papers with an address then report it. worked for me in the past.

When I was in the Army in my 20s I got some holidays. For what ever reason the army forgot to take my NVGs to be put back into storage. I brought them to my home town. About 8 20 year men went to the park and played hide and go seek in the dark. The searching guy got the NVGs. Such a fun time.

I believe it was $160 CAD. I got a matching black one for $90 in a local store. Thought I had scored until my GF fell in love with it so I had to get her one at full price to match haha.

Nice clips. That a team deck correct? Since you skate, I highly recommend upgraded to a pro deck next season. Having concave changed the game for me and I can’t go back to a flat board anymore.

The buttons colour should also match the theme



Something is off with yours


Here is what my GFs looks like. Purchased directly from Canadas G-Shock dealer.

This is the low effort posts the Mods were recently talking about.

I’d love to see this in a roll over.

I love these progress videos. Sometimes I watch to many already really good skaters and then I go out and feel like I should quit. Seeing others on the same learning cycle as me makes me want to skate more.

I bought all pinball M tables and sadly none of them really got me hooked

Maybe some more information is needed. What exactly are you purchasing? What do you mean by on-hand ROMs?

I’m a bit confused? It looks like you damaged 1 link. Can you not remove the 1 link and carry one? I resized one of these in my hotel with an eye glasses tool. Be patient, if you need to force something and get a hammer you are putting to much force on it.

Hey, I want you to know, I went and talked to some police officers because I like to know as much information as I can. I now believe I am wrong and that confed urban centre is in fact an crime ridden place. I was misinterpreting how the crime map works.

Lesser known fact. Sheep’s bums produce more sheep poo than all other sources combined.

Where does someone find a board like this? I would love to play on unique sissle boards like this and make up games.

Here is the first way to play on this board I could come up with.

-Make 9 or 18 holes on paper with various distances representing each hole. And a spot to keep track of each players strokes.

-For instance hole one is 500 yards. Holes would have to end in a multiple of 25.

-You have to throw all 3 darts but only the worst landed dart counts for that swing.

  -Example: you hit the 350, 350 and the 300. That is one stroke. You subtract your lowest hit (300) from the total distance of 500. You now have 200 left.

-Once you are down to 0 you are on to putting. You get three darts and must choose one of them.

-Water traps. If you hit one on any of your 3 darts your turn ends and you take 2 strokes.

-Hole in ones can only be used on a par 3 (a hole 250 or less) hitting any pit spot before you yards is done to zero counts as a water trap so going for a hole in 1 is a gamble.

Who ever has the lowest strokes after the game wins.