seems like they waited for marriage to have sex and likely due to their faith and the sheer awkwardness of a dozen cameras she likely didn’t want to kiss on camera

didn’t they say she pursued him first? she slid into his DMs

This is a wig 🧍🏾‍♀️

girlfriend?????? SHE’S HIS GF?!?

This is a wig 🧍🏾‍♀️

the sexy pool shots. would absolutely dread that 🫣

need Slay Bitch in my life 😜

This is a wig 🧍🏾‍♀️

but can we also talk about how men are also insecure about their bodies and looks just as much as women?!? to say a man’s biggest insecurity is their hairline… OP just wants to argue and be sexist 🙄✋🏾

i didn’t even know this was happening until i saw this post :(

absolute amazing cool vibes. can’t wait to see her again <3

this is exactly what i do. also nice when my cat does a stinky poo bc we have an air fresher in the bathroom and can always close the door

:EIKAL: Everything I Know About Love

omg i’m going to the royal albert hall one as well! haven’t even thought about my fit. complete the look not everyone will be wearing a bow!

it’s so crazy because last week i was craving a rewatch and couldn’t find it anywhere here in the UK. next thing i know i saw it a coming soon on netflix 😭 so excited to show psych to my partner as this was literally my favorite show growing up

i have fallen to my knees for this man

the brand of cold brew coffee is so good tho

if chelsea never broke his trust by saying on camera what he asked her to not discuss we wouldn’t even know. i don’t see how his previous sexual partner IS our business. In previous seasons we don’t find out about other contestants previous partners who aren’t even apart of the show . He did go on TV and of course things will come out but chelsea and jimmy both acknowledged that he asked her to not say in front of the cameras.

fair points made by many replies but i just want to say we only know of one friend. you assuming he’s fucked all his girlfriends is ridiculous and literally just an assumption. also while i’m at it this would have been my last straw as well ! Jimmy spoke to her about this off camera and was upfront and didn’t just wait for her to find out and even asked her to not bring it up for a lot of reasons but for people like YOU! it’s not the worlds business when she hasn’t even consented to this information about her being spread and now people like you just assume he has had sex with all his friends. Booo you

This is a wig 🧍🏾‍♀️

can someone please make an updated version of this

the lake scene made my jaw drop to the fucking ground oh my GOD

john has pissed me off. clearly he should’ve have saved this woman but i’m interested in seeing how it blows back on them

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i get it. i think i’ve just always voted for which couple i like most/ i think have the most potential but of course not everyone is going to vote this way. i do vote for the person i like best in other votes just not the finale. callum is a silly sweetie i do like him! was just shocked they placed so high

This is a wig 🧍🏾‍♀️

i genuinely don’t understand how callum and jess made it to the final let alone are second place? like she wasn’t there for very long and i don’t see a super strong connection. is callum really this popular? i don’t get it