She is infuriating. She didn't spend all of the money she had budgeted towards groceries, so instead of saving it for a week when costs will be higher, or paying extra towards the tens of thousands she owes on her credit cards, she splurges.

And then she wonders why the same money problems keep happening to her.

I don't think that's what she's doing. It's almost like she's trying to use the straw as a form of mulch given how thick it is. I've put down straw after grass seed plenty of times, but it's just a thin layer. You want to make so the birds can't easily get to the seed, but you still need some light and water to get through. And I don't think she'd be growing grass around those plants.

It looks very strange. And whatever the case, I'm sure she spent a lot more do it that way.

That stovetop has not been cleaned in months. Gross.

Probably on the travel she claims never happened.

I'm sure that any good money management skills that her kids developed have come from them doing the complete opposite of whatever they saw her do.

Hearing Jimmy compliment Chelsea's teeth was maybe the most awkward thing I've heard one human being say to another.

Exactly, and why is nobody EVER helping with the sink full of dishes?

Maybe he just wasn't that into her.

Sam at Financial Samurai thinks that people ignore him at fundraising events and don't reply to his e-mails because he retired early and doesn't have a professional job.

Or, here's a thought, maybe it's because he's just a very unlikeable person. 🤷‍♂️

Show the before and after picture to the host of any show on HGTV, and their head would explode.

She drains the energy from whatever room she's in. It's no surprise that every guy ends up hightailing it. It's impossible to tolerate someone like that for very long.

I can't figure her out. She claims not to want relationships. Yet, it's clear she sees some of these guys she 'dates' as, on some level, actual relationships. One sentence, she's pushing some guy away, and the next sentence, she's trying to pull someone else closer. That has to be exhausting, especially for someone who is already exhausted most of the time anyway.

Maybe this whole thing of hers gives her the physical satisfaction she desires, but there seems a cost on the emotional side that I'm not sure she actually knows how to manage.

Then we'll hear about what a great use of money it was when she pays to re-sod the entire area in a year or two.

She must have a really low opinion of her readers if that's seriously what she's putting out there. Awful.

I don't think so. I seem to recall that she admitted missing a payment or two. Then the monthly amount that she owed changed, but she glossed over how that came to pass.

I think the biggest thing was that she wanted to pre-pay a few months worth of payments, not realizing that with most mortgages, they'll basically take those payments off the end of your term, not skip the next ones in line. Like usual with her, no idea how that worked out.

She should have the credit cards and the two non-Dad personal loans paid off before she does any kind of splurging. The credit cards because those interest rates are outrageous, and the personal loans because it's a slap in the face to those who provided you 0% loans to be going out and dropping money on hotel stays.

Ha im with you, I would never pay that for a couch - especially with kids. But she always had such a judgy attitude about money and she could always dish it out and not take it.

Fixed that right up for ya.

That is nice to see that she's giving someone a break. Many people in the PF world seem to have the mindset that they aren't doing it right if they don't put every nickel in their pocket that they possibly can. For example, Sam over at Financial Samurai, who bitches to no end about how much he hates being a landlord, yet spends countless hours of his time crunching the numbers to make sure he's getting every cent possible from his pesky tenants.

I thought she attempted to address this once. Something like the limitations from her physical disability make it like her feel like her limbs have 100 lb. weights if she doesn't have the mental motivation to do the task. Sort of a mind over matter type thing, and she can't fake the motivation.

I don't think she's making it up as far as her fatigue goes, but it is completely exasperating that so many things don't get done unless her mom files 3,600 miles and spends a week in town to do them. Maybe she thinks her mom wouldn't come as often if she didn't have to take care of her, but I'm pretty sure she'd be there anyways.

She's going leave a lot of money to her cat one day.

I'll throw a five spot on "offset of money not spent from the dead neighbor's food"

"She kept talking about my father's feeble minded brother, but I always thought she meant you."


She's on a mission from God.
