There is not a finite amount of CO2 in the atmosphere though. It's constantly being produced by living organisms.

if we could just remove all the CO2 from the atmosphere by making carbonated drinks, that would actually be great news.  (That's not at all how it works though.)

Are you thinking "goyim"? I mean, it's not really like that either, but...

I thought these people loved "small town values" and hated cities anyway?

Maybe you have the bad vibes and that's why they're keeping interactions minimal and professional?

This. You don't need recipes that use it, you just need to start using it in all your (savory) recipes.

They "oppose Trump" but they're "working to defeat Biden". There's only one outcome from defeating Biden.

We have a de facto two party system. Opposing the candidate of one major party is support of the candidate for the other party.

Logic and empathy didn't get them into that position, logic and empathy won't get them out.

I "lack excitement" for Biden's candidacy too, but I manage to hype myself up since Trump is campaigning on rolling back LGBT protections and basically making it legal to hunt immigrants for sport.

I read that as Schadenfreude and Karma being Mccaeleigh's siblings testifying on behalf of the father.

It feels like it's always the last car in a line too. There's nobody behind you! Just go!

Even if she was guilty, there's a whole other branch of government that handles punishments.

When they bloom, they have a vertical stalk of purple flowers.

Definitely keep them from going to seed. You might have better luck painting Roundup directly on the leaves with a brush or bingo dabber. If you get lucky with the Roundup you'll kill the roots, but usually most methods just keep killing the foliage until the roots have depleted.

I think they're both actually creeping bellflower (Campanula rapunculoides) at different stages. Good luck. It sucks. It has a ton of deep roots that can regenerate the plant, and if it blooms it produces a ton of seed (DO NOT LET IT FLOWER, I DON'T CARE IF IT'S PRETTY). If you're open to chemicals, glyphosate can help. If you're not, get ready to dig and re-dig for years.

ETA: You can use safer chemicals like horticultural vinegar, but whatever you do, you're probably going to have to do it repeatedly for a long time.

There were so many things I made in culinary school where the lesson wasn't really 'how to make this dish' it was more like 'you'll have to robocoupe this way longer than you think, and then still probably strain it (and therefore figure out different methods of straining)'. And honestly, those lessons came in handy way more broadly than the actual recipe.

I would say the "at worst" should be "they frantically flail around to the left", because that is shockingly common here.

The idea is that you say it and people know to hold their line because someone is passing on the left. (Or, occasionally, to move to single file if it's a group taking up the whole width of the path.) It's normally meant just as "don't move left" not "please move right".

Oh, totally. In the moment, it would ruin my mood too. In hindsight, monologuing fashion advice to a stranger is weirder than anything you could have worn.

Tbf, that interaction says more about that dude than it does about your outfit.

Yeah, I fail to see how blocking celebrities who I already don't follow or interact with is going to "tank our whole economy". ...And it's not like somebody would just go on TikTok and lie.

If that's the humor, I don't think it's so much 'taking a back seat' as 'not even in the car'.