MCC doesn't require degrees for entry level positions. Some pay $19. Health insurance is free if you don't have dependents, paid holidays, and free tuition to MCC and UNO. Pay is also listed on the job posting so definitely check out their HR website.

Omg forgot to add... I've done Wellbutrin in addition to Adderall XR and in a way it helped. But it also stops doing anything for me after a couple of months I hate the process of titrating off of it. I'm personally working on "hacking" my brain/body with trial and error things like changing my diet and habit, romanticizing monotony in my life, etc.

Antidepressants could be worth a shot and may serve you better than they served me. Just make sure you absolutely follow your doctor's directions while using them or you could go through withdrawals... And those SUCK.

I find that anxiety and depression absolutely affect ADHD. Personally, I think of everything in terms of "how does this stimulate my brain? What is this doing to me chemically?"

Anxiety pumps me full of nervous chemicals as a stimulant, so I become overstimulated. I either need to reduce the sensory input or get the excess energy out. Exercise or rest are the best options.

Depression is the absence of good chemicals, so I become severely understimulated. Dopamine-seeking behavior comes into okay and can be risky... Like overeating. I find i need something exciting to look forward to. If I'm lucky, a big life event will give me lots of brain chemicals and knock me out of it.

If I address those conditions, my ADHD symptoms return to their baseline.

I'm not a doctor so I'm sure this is oversimplified and doesn't really help much... But for me it's a jumping off point that makes me feel less lost when I go through anxiety and depression.

Coral Island. You can turn enemy aggro off in the mines. When it comes time to help her with collectables, you won't have to kill very many to get it done.

My favorite way to use this is to mix in scrambled eggs, cheese, and chopped up Spam (cooked separately with hoisin sauce and added at the end).

Oof. I once sent a photo of my cat to my therapist (she loves cats) and didn't realize my body could be seen in the reflection of my cat's eyes.

I hope everyone had a great sense of humor about it!

Your ex-boyfriend*

Fixed it for you.

In all seriousness, you can do better. Don't date someone who treats you worse than a friend would. You serve that much at minimum.

You told him not to, you have medical reasons that he's aware of, and he did it anyway. He's too old to be this selfish towards someone he claims to love.

My oily skin that sometimes gets dehydrated patches loves HARUHARU Wonder! I would bathe in the black rice toner if I could. Skip the serum--Mary and May blackberry serum is more impressive. Lotion is good, oil is fine but not life-changing. Peeling gel is average.

Dollar general has a version of thin mints

Once I found out that I slept better after a shower, I no longer needed help remembering to do so. Dopamine is our biggest motivator and easiest way for us to remember things, so I'd start with making it something that is guaranteed to make you get those happy chemicals. Skincare is one of my hobbies, so that helps me too.

When did he become the owner? I used to work for the owner a couple of years ago, never seemed like he would sell any time soon.

Should have made the finger bones shaped like... boners.

Jk it's perfect!!!

Loveland Nails! I personally request Pay. Never disappointed.

Either she's very immature or has something going on mentally. Sorry to hear it.

This will sound weird... But nipple cream/lanolin. It's a waxy substance (not vegan if you worry about that) that is great as a nighttime lip mask. You hydrate your lips with something, let it sink in, then put a layer of the cream on it.

I will say that some people are allergic but it's used pretty commonly by nursing mothers and isn't very expensive so might be worth a shot!

MCC has amazing benefits, especially if you have no dependents, and their wages are listed in the job description.

I mean I wouldn't be surprised as Vikings were most likely opportunists!! Lol

Sounds like you already are a mother... to someone else's grown son. I'm sorry to say that without a life-altering event, his behavior is not likely to change.

Yes, 1-2 days a month. I call them golden days.

Finally making over $20/hr but have hit a wall. Any promotions from here on out require a degree at my workplace. Sigh.