I suppose it might have been the type, you want (R) Ketamine it’s generally more crystallized and you’ll need to crush it up. For me while in a mild k hole, I started remembering things I haven’t thought about in a very long time.

Haha can’t help but notice 🤣

It probably will, just not right away

She looks like his kids friend 😂

My first thought “Oops there goes another lawsuit, I leave hand prints all a cross you” - Eminem

IMO She knows what she’s doing. That’s a good investment 🤣

Monkey in Space

Bahahaha go pop another wheelie let me know how that works out 🤣

Monkey in Space

If it breaks a carrot it might break your finger dipshit

It’d be ridiculously awesome! 😎

Remember it will end, enjoy and control your breathing and hydrate