:snoo_smile: Visitor

Me and my brother have different fathers and different last names and Morocco is a nightmare for us! Moroccans are so nosy!

I’m happy about this! We don’t have to tell random employees our whole life story and show them childhood pics to do basic things .

Your body is 🔥 🔥 🔥

You look incredible!

Not necessarily- There are apple shaped black women.

I’m so sorry. You got great advice here. Agree that exercise will help your mood!

Congratulations on your amazing weight loss!

You’re not stuck in the skinny fat phase just give it time! And maybe follow a strength program

Do you at least get to ride everyday?

:snoo_smile: Visitor

I disagree that genetics are tiny. Ok so the Wikipedia blurb you posted is good. Let’s go through it-

ancestry - we already talked about that. We don’t share ancestry with real Arabs.

Traditions- we don’t really share traditions with people from the Arabian peninsula. We are totally different.

Language - hmm ok sure. Even though the Arabic we speak is not understood by them. So basically Arabs also include Somalia, Comoros islands, Mali.

History- nope- we have a different history.

Society- definitely different!!!

Religion- same religion ( so all Muslims can be Arab?)

Social treatment - ? Not sure what this means

The reason that Moroccan culture is amazing and cool and unique is because of our amazigh roots. Most of our traditions come from that. Listen i grew up with middle easterners we share very little in common with them. There’s some affinity but not much. Also- while there’s nothing wrong with being Arab - we should also be proud of who we are. We’re not Arab. There’s nothing with that.

Pan-Arabism is mostly nonsense.

But if you want to still identify as Arab culturally fine but just do it with the knowledge that we have our own culture and history behind us. It’s awkward because the real Arabs know we’re not Arab lol. Yet so many Moroccans think they’re Arab. It’s just bizarre.

I’m really hoping Bowman makes it.

It’s hard because latimer has AIPAC money. Bowman should win but Latimer has money for ads every 5 minutes.

But i think if we work on turnout, Bowman can win.

I’ve been donating what I can to Bowman!

He condemned 10/7 and never said that Israel shouldn’t exist.

:snoo_smile: Visitor

I can usually spot a Moroccan.

Moroccans are very diverse though like Brazilians.

Here in America people who are half black and half white have a tendency to look Moroccan.

:snoo_smile: Visitor

That kid will be half Arab and roughly half amazigh. And their dna test would show roughly half Arabian dna and part amazigh depending on where in Morocco the woman is from! Moroccan dna usually comes out mixed with mostly amazigh , some small part Iberian (Spanish/Portuguese) , some small part black African (usually Mali ). But the Moroccan part really depends because Morocco is so diverse. But in Morocco’s dna you rarely see Arabian peninsula. Most of us have 0%.

Yemen has some admixture but Yemeni dna tests I’ve seen from my friends usually comes out purely Arabian lol.

If it makes you happy to call yourself Arab because we speak Arabic that’s totally fine. But people from Comoros islands, Mali , Somalia , Djibouti then are also Arab by that definition. It’s not an ethnic definition.

:snoo_smile: Visitor

Exactly they’re not arab either!

Arabs are in the Arabian peninsula, Yemen, Jordan and part of Iraq. You got it!

:snoo_smile: Visitor

I don’t think it’s Islam. I think it’s salafism that’s a cancer and the root cause of all issues

:snoo_smile: Visitor

Do people actually say that? Omg That’s so sick

:snoo_smile: Visitor

In their land there’s no freedom of religion even for Muslims. In some places you can get arrested for having a beard and being too religious all of a sudden they can suspect you of terrorism and in some places you get arrested for not being religious enough and not covering.

I don’t get this argument- why do people think our parents immigrated in the first place? Yes the Muslim world is a hot mess that’s why lol.

How is it hypocrisy when the west advertises itself as some haven of religious freedom?

:snoo_smile: Visitor

Agree. Long term when Palestine is free - it’d be best to get rid of them.

I mean let’s be real i don’t agree with any Salafi type Muslim brotherhood-esque organizations. They just set a country back.

:snoo_smile: Visitor

Have you done it? It’s definitely more exhausting.

Being a mom is fulfilling. Being a housewife is freaking exhausting. It’s draining. Unless your husband is a generous rich man and you have maids. Let’s be real here.