Got it - thanks. In your opinion, is this a “good” thing/what is the general consensus around a change in government?

I’m not from/don’t live in UK but have some family there. Is it pretty much a given Labour will win the elections?

This ref is so theatrical with his gestures lmao I love it

Romania looks absolutely organized and sticking to their plan. Wouldn’t surprise many if they scored first

Watching this is like when you select one of those different camera angles in FIFA cause you think it’ll improve your game

Retegui on for Barella? Thought it would’ve been for Scammaca

If they didn’t shake at the beginning, safe to say they won’t shake hands at all right?

No effing way, just turned this episode on and found this thread. Let’s go

White Boy Summer in Boston

Wow even Utah won’t pick a classy player like Filipowski

Dude turned this into American Crime Story

Wow getting shades of Kristaps with the way the Knicks fans are booing this pick. Prove them wrong Pacôme