It seems that so many people who start out more authentically to share things that are of interest/earn some side cash end up realizing how much $$ is in it and completely pivoting. Can’t say I blame them but it makes them the least authentic by the end of it

Used American Adoptions - wait once we went live was under 2 years. It wasn’t perfect but overall we were happy with them and our baby is absolutely worth the journey. We are in touch with the birth family and they seemed to have a good experience on their end, though I haven’t asked them specifically

The fundraising site crashed! Wild how this will end up helping him it seems

lol to practice packing you don’t actually need to be going anywhere

I haven’t listened but keep hearing ads. She has some great guests so I’m interested

Same - my son and I coordinate a lot because I love blue and white stripes and so many little boys things are blue and white, it’s no usually on purpose but looks nice in pics

I guess I don’t know what his name is so didn’t even notice lol. I just feel like if he was very anti he wouldn’t let people tag him? I do love spotting influencer adjacents in other peoples posts 😂

This one feels like a stretch, he’s not tagged and considering Bridget never shows his face I think he’s only recognizable to those who know him?

Those are small biz/single person doing those with their hands. It’s expensive because its custom work they are doing vs just buying cheap crap off Amazon that laborers are making Pennies per hour to produce. Considering she seems to like the finer things I’m surprised she can’t see the value in that, at least for the chairs

I think it’s meaning she gets in the pool and plays with the kids, which apparently is not as common as I assumed ?

It confirms (as so many of her sharing does) that she and I hang out with very different crowds 😂

I’ve appreciated when she said she hit her stride as a mom when her kids were a little older. As someone who wasn’t a huge “baby person” it’s a good reminder there are a lot of stages you don’t need to love all of them!

Makes sense! She shows so much of her kids/family and doesn’t seem to reference others too often (not paying a ton of attention though), so I’m glad she has some boundaries with friends!

It’s an odd plan since they are getting rid of the paywall and are losing so many followers of the main feed in the meantime. I listened for the first time in a while the other day. I forgot how many commercials there are!

It didn’t strike me as sad since obviously fake events and dressing up for nothing except the pictures is the name of the game for influencers. But I do feel like all of the friends Carly references are other bloggers, none of whom live locally. It kind of makes me curious if these bloggers have any normal relationships with other daycare moms etc

Sounds normal - similar size house and my BGE was $330 last month. I do have an electric car that gets charged as well as little kids so I do more to keep the house temperate than I used to. While it’s relatively mild there were a few very hot days and a few chilly ones so it’s not as if some AC or space heater use would be unheard of

The average we were told was 1-2 years, we waited about 18 months until match and a few weeks until baby born. Then 6 months for finalization (but we had custody after 2 days so the 6 months was just paperwork, baby was living with us upon leaving hospital). I know people who were matched in a month but that is pretty rare, very much depends on your profile/requirements.

They would always get so many responses so they’d be top of my feed - it felt like I was only seeing the unhinged posts (which I enjoyed 😂)

I know people who have done this - not planned but worked out when used car prices jumped during/after 2020

lol that post “we have a perfect life here but we aren’t as close to our friends as we once were, so we’d like to move somewhere we know no one and find better friends”

Idk I have a 9 month old so I get it but also it was one mention not something she talks about everyday. Also at that age I considered any stretch over 6 hours “sleeping through the night” if it meant I was also asleep. I thought it was a “real” post and a bit of a IYKYK. These influencers are either too removed from reality or oversharing, they can’t win

A lot of preschools near me are like 9-1, have a lot of vacations, run sept-may etc. So people often keep their Nanny’s for bookend care, the inevitable sick days, school closures etc. during the few hours the nanny will do a few household tasks. Obviously the families I’m referring to generally are people working 40+ hours a week who need extra help and can afford it