NTA. Take this as an opportunity to find your real self. Being free from arguments and scolding will bring you a piece of mind you are probably not used to. You will miss your family (they love you in their own ways, but that's not always good for you) but distance and boundaries help a great deal! Look for therapy in your college if you can. Usually they have professionals available for students in this transition.

Sending you a virtual hug and wishing you better years to come! Remember it's your life... No one can live that better than you ☺️

I think aunt Rose is amazing! And I get the feeling that OP is the next generation "flower" in this family! ❤️

NTA. I will say this... Going on vacation with friends is a privilege, not a right. You are all adults and can invite (or not invite) whoever you want. Is it kind to ask everyone in a friend's group if they want to join or plan it together? Yes. Is it a "rule"? No. The same way that you can be invited or not and accept or not. Keep your plans, op. ☺️

Let's remove the family drama and focus solely on having someone with (known and tested) covid attend an event with several people. YTA.

NTA. This is the plot of Taken waiting to happen! Do you have that particular set of skills to go after her, op?

NTA. Never have the phrase "you can't have the cake and eat it too" been more spot on!! ☺️

Holy Platypus! I did the same with my son over a decade ago and we still laugh/rage about the situation and Umbridge! I kept telling him "poor Umbridge" was trying her best and blah blah blah. He was 12 and once said "you need to set your priorities right" just like Ron said about Hermione in the first book. It's one of my fav memories about discussing the books with him and the sarcasm was spot on 😂

Front and back! (iykyki)

NTA. The main thing here is that you asked her to stop several times and she dismissed it. If she isn't willing to respect your boundaries, she is not entitled to be near your kid.

Wow! Impressive and beautiful! Nice job, op! ❤️

NTA. Seems the dogs are just fine. Y T A for not providing a dog tax though! 😁 And the neighbour can train their dog to behave. It's not your job to abide to their schedule.

Let me get this straight... A 29yo thinks a "joke" is to be a nuisance to an airport crowd, mess with security protocols, waste tsa time and resources, waste a ton of money (flights, accommodation, vacation time) and embarrass you just for his "amusement"?

Yeah, I'd leave him... And not only in the airport, but in life.

A joke is when everyone is laughing and having fun. Did it feel like fun to you?

Sometimes the trash takes itself out

Remember when you don't get what you want it is because you deserve better

Don't set yourself on fire to keep someone else warm

The best revenge it's too live your best life

You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it drink it

Hope that helps! Lil thoughts to keep you afloat. ❤️

In the end... Do you rather have MIL reluctantely/bitterly near your family or surround yourself with people who actually want to be near you?

I think you have a game plan now. Preserve your life and peace of mind. Live it like you want it and not how family peceives you should. Will they pay your bills? No. Will they help with your house? No. Will they help raising the kids? No. Will they help raising your husband (that made me giggle while writing)? No! You ARE in control of your life and decisions. Even distancing from them. And assume a grey rocking instance with them. What they don't know, they can't mess it up!

I think it's will issue further supply after RV

I love that! Even the name... #Cursedbacks