This made me spit out my drink. I didn’t know just how badly I needed a good laugh. Thank you!

This is the way. I love your reply more than words can express 😂😂

My response would have gone something like this “the novel you wrote in an attempt to make yourself feel better after being rejected? Yes, I got it ☺️” and then put my phone on DND while the Reddit post material piled up.

No, you’re not crazy based on this exchange. Honestly, everything you described reminds me of when my now ex husband was cheating. Getting jealous over innocent and casual encounters with the opposite sex, gaslighting, picking fights right before he would sneak away, staying out all night, not answering calls. All together they are tell tale signs of cheating. I’m so sorry you’re going through this but he is showing you red flags before you marry him. Consider taking this as opportunity to dodge a bullet.

Reading these messages has me misty eyed. Yall both seem like great people and your relationship with your dad is one I wish everyone could have. Thank you for sharing, this kind of wholesomeness is exactly what I needed today!

Yes, the Guardianship/Conservatorship Division handles these cases. I’ve never seen anyone involuntarily ordered to rehab for drug or alcohol abuse (definitely doesn’t mean it’s never happened though) only individuals who have been deemed mentally incapacitated by a doctor due to mental illness after a psychiatric evaluation. One thing to consider is the fact that excessive drug or alcohol abuse can detrimentally affect one’s mental health and could be a route they could look into to, but then again, I’m not sure whether rehab would be an option as opposed to a mental health facility.

Yea I definitely got hung up on that part lol

I’m grossed out that someone gave him head while he sat on a public toilet. Honestly, that’s got to be the worst part of this story.

I have been waiting for a chance to use this ever since I first watched the clip. A better response does not exist.

Either your roommate is in the middle of a mental health crisis or someone is coming into your home that neither of y’all know about. The first thought I had when reading this was it sounded like y’all might have a third roommate you didn’t know about.

Clearly some strange things going on over there. Oh well, at least you and some people on Reddit got a good laugh😂

Wait, so her brother is also her boyfriend?

This is what I was thinking…how is this ending any different than what anyone was expecting?

I can totally relate. I have auditory processing disorder and phone calls cause me intense anxiety as well.

The holding the door thing has got to be the most accurate thing I’ve read and never thought about until your comment. That is hilarious, thank you for adding that!

Greenville is amazing! Beautiful scenery and the people are great!

I had to read the part about your one pleasant experience being at Waffle House several times to make sure I was reading it correctly and I wasn’t missing sarcasm.

Honestly, it takes me going on vacation and leaving my home state to realize that the entire world isn’t pissed off and rude all the time. Im far more caught off guard when I’m out somewhere and someone is kind.

I was born and raised in Columbia and my experience has been the majority of the state is like this. When out of town, I’m always so impressed with “how nice everyone here is” (in quotes because I say it after almost every trip) but I’m starting to realize I feel that way because of how normalized a shitty attitude with strangers is around here.

Did I somehow miss the statement that you based your entire comment around? I didn’t read anywhere that she said his comment made her hate the color of her skin. Perhaps your snap judgment speaks louder than you intended. Also, your interpretation of his statement being “MILD” is just that, your interpretation. She felt differently about it and that’s her right. Then you actually go as far as to insinuate she is racist against her own race and she needs to get over herself…all because you lack reading comprehension skills.

The consensus seems to be that he is definitely trying to make her jealous. For my own personal curiosity, are there reasons that he would try to make her jealous that weren’t because he liked her?

Also from the deep south and can confirm this is statement to be true.