I wouldn’t complain, it’s better than the shadow price.

Let’s be real here. None of those names should be out there. It’s good for a laugh but that’s about it.

When I first saw it drop I wasn’t too enthused but as I read the perks and thought about it…. 😳

I stopped farming on Titan after I got it

I too have this roll. It’s amazing

It’s as simple as too many titan mains got used to sharing clips of themselves strand grappling and punching everything to death. Now, they can’t do that in prismatic. The titans kit is simply amazing. You need to spec into different builds and try things. There’s only certain activities when you need to be able to sustain high DPS, and there are also many options for better than average DPS output. Sadly, damage numbers are looked at like k/d in that post raid screen. Some players need that validation of having the biggest number. Playing on all three classes myself I actually find warlock and titan to be more fun at the moment because I’m ironically using many different load outs that I didn’t in the past on those classes. While on the other hand I feel forced to run celestial on my hunter and I can’t stand golden gun. There’s so many other builds that are more fun.

I’ve seen several posts about this now…. How are players running out of glimmer? There’s a mod on the ghost to increase glimmer gains and literally everything drops glimmer. Am I lost on what players are spending their glimmer on?

Disagree here, several titans cleared the raid. They were just playing as hunters. Contest mode isn’t about what class you’re running it’s about it clearing the raid. This argument for buffing titans is not very good. TONS of titan mains cleared contest mode.

As for the current state of Titan, you need to look at your entire ability pool. Titans are really good and fun to play as. You just can’t do the same old banner of war/strand grapple punch (on prismatic) all the time anymore. No wonder people clamming this game gets boring, there are so many builds you can use and find on your own. Titan is amazingly fun to play on.

Hello all. I need to get 10 karma so I can post! Pls help. Thanks all

Love to learn the new raid if yall are teaching that one

I’m in the same boat. My son and I raid together (he is 16 and a very good player). Just haven’t found an LFG group that suits learning effectively.

I’d love to learn the new raid. I have also watched videos and have completed the first encounter. Available time hasn’t been the best since its launch