If it were a direct ancestor, I would think most likely it would be his father. However, it is believed that he and both his parents were still alive as of 2010. It’s quite possible all three could still be living today - if he was born in the early 1960s and his parents were around 30 at the time, they would be just over 90 today, and more people than ever before are living into their nineties. If they were younger parents - let’s say maybe 21-25 in c. 1962 - then they would be under 90 today.

I’m unsure whether it’s Alvin/George. I do believe he moved back to Australia. Did he later go elsewhere? Hard to say.

If they left the sound of a door opening in there, that makes the recording and/or production process seem less than professional.

Was his hair actually that long c. 1992?

It’s Passenger (singular) by Elton John, singing through a voice changer. Not to be confused with his similarly titled song Passengers. /s /s /s


Yeah, I listened to a YouTube video of those isolations (yours?), and they are very similar. One interesting thing I noticed about both Alvin and TMV is a certain tendency to trail off at the end of a phrase, becoming less precise in terms of both musicality and pronunciation, almost like he’s mumbling and/or has something in his mouth.

That said…I still think TMV has a stronger accent than Alvin, or at least sounds less comfortable singing in English - but if Alvin was a hired vocalist (not the songwriter) who didn’t bother to familiarize himself with the words before the recording session, that could explain the apparent discomfort/lack of familiarity. If he had been on a bender rather than studying the lyrics, that might have something to do with it, and he has been hypothesized to have had a drug issue.

Altogether, I still think it’s slightly more likely that it was a German vocalist with a noticeable vocal resemblance to Alvin Dean.

I believe (correct me if I’m wrong) that OP’s hypothesis wasn’t so much about the song being connected to an extant movie as either (A) the song being made for a planned movie that fell through or (B) the song being written and recorded for a real movie but, for whatever reason, not ending up in the final product.

Personally, I don’t think the song is about nucular - sorry, nuCLEar - war, nor do I believe it was written for any type of movie. TV show, maybe, but what makes the most sense to me is if it were a demo song by an amateur or semipro band.

I’d say new wave/post-punk/rock (as defined in the early 1980s)/goth rock all mixed together. I don’t really hear the prog influence.

How is Modern Love by Painless Dirties an unknown song when it’s on one of the tapes? Or has he just not uploaded it?


Generally synths will have presets that are direct or indirect imitations of sounds from other (named or unnamed) synths. I haven’t listened to the song you posted, but a basic sawtooth lead with vibrato is very achievable on pretty much anything. If the synth in Magic Fly is especially well-known, that sound could very well have been what the Yamaha programmers were trying to imitate with that preset. (Sometimes preset names even contain the name of the synth they are imitating, but that wasn’t the case here.)

Having said that: while a basic sawtooth with vibrato is achievable on almost any synth, the particulars wouldn’t be identical to those on the track unless they were generated by, at the very least, the same chips. Particularly if we’re talking about the highly technical, math-intensive PM/FM synthesis that the DX7 uses - that generates sound in a much different way from anything commercially available in 1977, and thus would have different technical markers.

The other name is said by Carl, and is either Andrew or Amber van somethingorother.

So I listened again. The second shout-out was by, it sounds like Carl. It is either Andrew or Amber, and the last name starts with Van.

Why specifically those two dates? Why do you not believe it was after September 8? I’m not being critical - you may be 100% right. I’m just curious about your research.

Shoot, we could ask him his opinion if nothing else.

I’m an “amateurband” proponent myself. Out of curiosity, what is your belief on when it was broadcast? Do you believe the name of the song/artist is somewhere on the station playlists?

Yeah, but the arrangements kind of feel proto-chiptune.

Roger Christian? Is that who you’re thinking of?

Yep. She was sick, no doubt. But when your sickness is harming other people, it becomes your responsibility to get treatment. If you don’t, you’re just as guilty as if you were doing that without the addiction IMO.


Eddie didn’t want to live in that moment. Would he still have felt that way after seeing the view from halfway down?

Just like on the show - this horse said, “live with me”. Perhaps one thing he unconsciously picked up from Horsin’ Around was that letting people live with you leads to good things happening. Obviously that isn’t always true, but he did make a lasting friendship that way.