What you experienced is largely created by hormones when you go through labour. I love both my kids the same but the birthing experience was completely different for me. I was induced for my first pregnancy and was given artificial hormones to bring on contractions and ended up with a c section. I didn’t feel the rush of love at all, I was just relieved it was over and he was healthy. My second I had no hormones and although I still had a c section I burst into tears and felt what you described. Biology has created this so after all the pain you don’t toss the noisy little cause of your trouble to the sabre tooth tigers. Men don’t have those hormones immediately and they get more of a slow build up. They absolutely get a cocktail of love hormones but it’s not influenced my the birthing process and pregnancy.

If there is semen anywhere near her vagina it could get her pregnant. It only takes one sperm. Unless you are super careful there is always a chance. It’s pretty unlikely yes but it’s always possible

Ryan gosling as Ken. I love Ryan and think he is hot AF as well as being a great actor. But he isn’t Ken. Ken is supposed to be pretty and classically handsome. He is also 9 years older than Margo Robbie and it showed. There are so many classic hands on male actors it seems like a terrible choice to cast Ryan

Honestly breasts are all so different any advice anyone provides is probably going to be for their own boobs and not your size/shape etc. all boobs sit a little different on every body so it’s hard to figure out something like that. I would say you could try researching the muscles around your chest and back, they are all connected to how you carry yourself and that affects your chest. Having said that they will change. You might gain or loose weight or have something happen to you and they will just naturally change as you age. I once changed the pill I was on and went up a cup size in a month. Bodies are weird tbh. If you are basing your self esteem on a sorority you are always going to lose. I would recommend getting some perspective. Maybe watch a few episodes of a show called naked attraction. It’s a naked dating show that shows everything. The contestants on there are all looking for something different and you will pretty quickly see how no body is perfect. People don’t look like they want you to think they do. I am 40 this year and was young and impressionable when Kate moss was telling girls that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. It’s taken me a while but please believe me when I say that’s bullshit and please don’t worry about your body.

My husband and I have location tracking on but we both know about it. I find it useful when I take the kids to meet him at the station after work so I can tell how far away he is. I’m chronically early all the time and It’s easier for me to just open the app and see where he is than ask how far away he is all the time. But we both know it’s on. If he didn’t tell me I’d be pissed. It’s such a breach of trust. She obviously doesn’t trust you but it also sounds like this might be because she is doing something to breach your trust.

What are you on about? He drove wildly avoiding the police in a dangerous manner because he didn’t want to go to jail. His concerns weren’t for his girlfriend and she called emergency services halfway through the ride because she was scared. If he was worried about her and not on drugs he would have pulled over like the other commenter said and explained the situation. The police would have helped him get there quicker.nothing about what he did was for her. He was driving wildly while on drugs and trying to avoid the police. Meth is not like adderal. It is not safe to drive on any drugs.

He drove while on meth and had his pregnant girlfriend in the car and you think that’s not relevant?

Bill Anders. The Apollo astronaut who shot the moonrise image. He died recently flying a plane when he had a heart attack. He was 90 years old. Not a bad effort

Holy crap that’s a horrible way to go. There is audio of him being attacked and eaten by the bear and I’ve not heard it but apparently it takes a while for him to die. And he yells for his girlfriend to run away while being eaten alive. They only found an arm and part of his spine. Good grief

I once took the seeds out of a pumpkin and filled it with cous cous. I mixed it with stuff like sundried tomato and capers and olives and wrapped the whole thing in foil. I baked that in the coals. It took a while but it was amazing. The other thing I always make it cubed potato, bacon and onion cooked in the Dutch oven. Sometimes with mushrooms if I’m being fancy

I have a bin in a cupboard that pulls out below where I shop so I can step aside and brush things into the bin and then close it. Your hack seems inconvenient at best.

Partassipant [1]

ESH. They aren’t owed a name but you have a name from your family with the first child, isn’t it only fair for theirs to be for the second child? I know they don’t have the right to anything but it’s a bit shitty for you to have both kids names.

In Australia we have temporary visas for things like crop picking jobs that no one else will do. We also have our working holiday visa applicants from the UK do a stint picking crops before we let them have a second year. These jobs are hard to fill. Racism is the reason you are looking for. People think the 1950s America was better because everyone was white and could afford stuff. Truthfully the poor people were just too scared to show themselves. They want a country with only white married couples with the wife a SAHM and 2.5 kids. Really that’s never going to happen, that shop has sailed and can’t happen anywhere anymore and they are too stupid and narrow minded to embrace change.

In Australia we have temporary visas for things like crop picking jobs that no one else will do. We also have our working holiday visa applicants from the UK do a stint picking crops before we let them have a second year. These jobs are hard to fill

That’s an invasion of your privacy. Put up a board direct in front of it completely blocking it. They can complain all they like, they are 100% in the wrong

She absolutely cares what they think. She is having this filmed so people can watch her. Stupid vapid mindless people who think this is real?

They still had rations until 1954 for meat. They made do with what they had for quite a while and I suppose they kind of got used to it. Then their children who had been raised like this moved all around the world including the US taking their lack of seasoning with them. Spices and things were always expensive in the uk until recently

I think it’s because after WW2 there was a lot of food shortages. The countries involved were mostly white so it took a while for them to recover from forced restrictions

I feel like this is probably a result of people realising how unhealthy the food is and therefore it being not as acceptable to market to kids. It’s now not a good look for a company to be marketing junk food to kids so they changed to more of an adult market

It’s not the taste. It’s the shit particles you are eating. No thanks

Eww why did you call me bruh? You think I’m a man? I am definitely not your bruh. It wasn’t a fad till recently for people to talk about it so openly and I’m sure that creates an acceptance among young people that it is ok. When I was younger if you told someone that you stuck your tongue in someone’s ass they would have been a lot less accepting. However It’s probably been done since people had asses so 7 million years or so? It’s just only recently people seem to have forgotten that it’s where shit comes from. No judgement, you do what makes you happy but I will definitely not be licking shit.