:chi-2: Bulls

Kinda surprised more nba players who could do better/live better there don’t jump ship.

I just thought of this very phrase earlier today lol.

Chicago Bulls :Bulls67:

He did it as a strategy too. Lebron just genuinely flops lol. A more honest flopper lol.

I don’t see anything linking teddy to him in the article. Must be missing it?

I think Kobe was Jordan clone V. 1. Got really close. V2 still pending and will be closer. V. 3 may be as good or better. It’s why they are once in a generation talents/athletes/winners.

If you’re faring someone who isn’t taking the game seriously than d’ing up is seen as overkill. Sucks but how it is.

This. Even Jordan altered his game for the better after maximizing physical skill set.

I mean I can get on board with Bachero perhaps but even as not such a big fan of LeBron, Malone over LeBron is really out there. Pickup game or not.

They also need to change days/times and make it more available. Basically need cable as is.