People should be able to travel anywhere safely at any time but that doesn't mean I'm going to go to Afghanistan and not expect to be in danger. This argument doesn't hold the weight you think it holds.

I can't imagine pretending like being out on the road at 3am played zero factor in this.

Being out on the road at 3am on a holiday weekend isn't the smartest choice.

Very sad but these types of stories almost always seem to include Dodge Chargers (or similar cars) and times between 2-4AM

Such a beating that he even took a knee in the middle of the fight in honor of our first responders. Salute 🫡

Then just say you want a city with a sizable black population. People on here always say they want "diversity" but they really just mean they want to be around people the same race as them and honestly there's nothing wrong with that but it's literally the opposite of wanting diversity.

You say you want diversity but it sounds like you just want to be near other black people. That’s the opposite of diverse lol

When I first looked, there were multiple comments praising the cameraman for “holding them accountable”. Eventually people started to realize how dumb the cameraman was and most people followed suit 

That was 2 years ago. So the UFC “kicks you out” but we’ve only heard about it twice ever?

I feel like something is missing from this story. Why would more fighters not come out and say this then...?

Unfortunately most people on Reddit hate cops so much that they will ignore obvious logic like this.

One punch KO doesn't mean zero strikes were thrown before lol

Do you honestly think he wouldn't have gotten dropped without the kick beforehand?

I’m trying to remove the plastic shut off valve and replace it with a new one. I’m obviously not very experienced. I broke off part of it which is now making it harder to grab. I’m also worried that if I pull it out, I’ll simultaneously turn the water on and cause water to leak. Is the best course of action here to just forcibly pull the remaining plastic stem off with pliers or am I doing it wrong?

Edit: I am able to turn the water on/off with the stem still and it’s currently off.