What a sweetheart. Her looks cd have gone either way and I’m glad she took the adorable “best of dad” route. She looks nothing like Yara bc Yara looks nothing like Yara. I really like Yara but am not enthused about the remaking of her face.

Do ppl mind saying if they are born in the country of the restaurant they are recommending? Grammar is off but I hope you know what i mean

My kids went to school in South OC. Aliso Viejo is neighborhood town, There were all sorts of kids who identified as gay, gender neutral, trans etc. Boys in makeup etc everyone felt very free to express themselves. I don’t think it’ll be an issue. Good Luck

It’s amazing how casual he looks and his stride is long but measured. If anyone saw him he wd probably reply calmly. If he was rushing around, panting ppl wd notice. I know im stating the obvious but it’s so planned and it’s chilling. I hate him. I want him stopped. I feel so helpless

What do the guys weigh & what do they look like? Ha! True test. Irks me to hear overweight outta shape unkempt men comment on female looks!!!!!

Sinister-popping up on this thread. Is it made in 2012 w Ethan Hawke? I just googled it

I get what you are saying-but Obamacare saved my daughter who has pre-existing condition and could not get insurance as a 5 year old. Maybe there wd have been Biden care?

You and your friends are doing a great job of keeping busy! Sometimes being bored is healthy! Lol. But I get it-keep busy!

The train ideas-up to LA you end at Union Station. There is Olvera Street across the street and lotsa museums very close!

San Clemente has so much! And so does San Diego. Remind yourself to enjoy this time!!

Those were the days my friend…by Mary Hopkin

I didn’t follow the royal family but she grew up near to where I grew up and I became interested. Initially a huge fan-excited, loosely followed the engagement but not too many details, enuf to enjoy. She was educated seemed well-spoken. Then….(in no particular order): 1. Reserving two rows at Wimbledon. What? She’s sitting isolated from everyone else? 2. The engagement photo. What? Again? Huh? The dress was fabulously expensive-over the top. The photo looked like an ad. Ugh. Very posed. Fake 3. Namibia-no one is listening to me. No one is helping me. Said w the backdrop of poor struggling country behind her

I hear ya OP! But I don’t blame Claire for trying to help her daughter. She’s messed up but can read a loser & that’s how she reads Rob (accurate). She’s an addict and not a good mom & I view her protestations as being an attempt to make up for lost time. Yah too late but she’s trying & she happens to be right!!

💯 Agree. Thais allowed her friend to pounce on Patrick as if the incident happened yesterday. Thais has been gone two years, they are married w a toddler. What happened years ago is irrelevant!

Plus Thais didn’t say anything about moving to the US to marry Patrick -why is Patrick to blame? Her dad & looks like her friends think it’s Patrick’s fault. Yay John for speaking TRUTH

All true. That doesn’t take away that this post is mean spirited. I’m not gna say more than that. No desire to spar & get personal w anyone about Liz & Ed.

Yeah-this place is not where you grew up. It’s a shame bc ppl moved here for the world you lived in and by moving here in droves that world was destroyed. I grew up in LA and same thing happened. Use to be slow, casual place ppl were polite drivers, you cd merge onto the freeway bc ppl gave you space. Then overpopulation.

I wd do some research first-you may like central CA more even Sacramento area. Do that before moving to AZ which is suffering from what we here in CA know too well—dense building to provide for the over population. Take a breath and then sort it out. Good luck!

Lots of transplants from Iowa-not sure time frame but early 1900s-pre-war migration? Long Beach use to be called “Little Iowa” & there were picnics for Iowa transplants through the 70s & 80s

Probably before when most of redditors were born but I remember my dad talking about it!!!! lol thot I’d share. Fun fact for the curious

I agree w you! But with all due respect-it’s kinda not nice post….

💌 sending hugs your way. Precious beautiful baby I’m sorry for your loss

All due respect-but if you don’t believe that these experiences are from a deep force-why are you on this subreddit?

This is my take: The only one pushing that story is Rob. I’ve nvr heard Sophie or her mom stating they are rich. When Rob spoke about an outdoor commode he referenced “they’re rich. That’s why they want that” Now-I’ve nvr heard then argue that they aren’t-they’ve willingly accepted his claim.

This sounds like a really wonderful resource, helpful and an example of REAL social networking. My question is: wd someone like Michael who doesn’t need money bc he has the Bank o Angela need to participate in this exchange? Or if he did participate why wdnt he tell her about it? I’m a little suspicious of him & the “golden mama” text chat. I’m not an Angela fan but if I were her I wd have lost it too.