Dem onions are slippery bro, and the little layers of skin inside will get stuck in your teeth. Put a bun on this and dominate.

They say your ears, nose, and neck never stop growing.

That's some serious cayyyyyyshhh

Looks like some form of stained or epoxied concrete. Interesting looking..

Gonna have to open up the T-top to get them home

This is proof. Cocaine does influence style choices.

Flip that list upside down and #1 is, in my opinion, the greatest movie of all time.

You see that spooky creature in the fog. On the right quadrant

You could take the door apart, save the sheet metal with the stickers on it. Cut it out intO any shape you want with tin snips or prob a Dremel. Frame it and hang it.

There will be sticker loss, but when is there not sticker loss?

Drawing a dick on a stone that was part of Hadrian's wall wasn't a ritual. It was graffiti done by the roman centurions who built the wall, used to signify strength.

I'll draw a dick on your dad's pillowcase, buddy.

I believe Jack Black and Michael Cera starred in that

That guy died in a war protecting his family and country. What's my dad's excuse?

Now you get the beautiful gen 1 you've always wanted ;)

Gen 1 is so much prettier, from all sides.

If you want a movie that you probably haven't seen, and will trip you out. Try:

"A Field in England."

You'll feel zonked just from watching it.