I thought it was mostly a consistent artistic choice so the viewer could tell who was male and who was female in murals and pottery.

I’ve seen fairly unfit people get certified and dive, but also be aware that diving is surprisingly physical. You’re not just floating along, you’re moving yourself and 30-40lbs of gear. If you’re really overweight you might also need extra weight for buoyancy control.

That said tough, “quite unfit” can have a very different meaning to a lot of people. I’d say the best generic response you’re going to get it “it’ll probably be harder and maybe less fun”, but you might be thinking “I’m 6’ and 250lbs and can’t run a mile without a couple breaks to walk”, and other people might be thinking of you differently.

Your best bet it to go talk to a dive shop and see. It’s been a long time for me, but I think there are some requirements on being able to swim like 200yds in a pool in a very generous amount of time.

You might also talk to your doctor. A lot of dive shops require you to have a medical sign off to get certified.

Everyone wants to be askhistorians where it’s all high quality contributions.

I can kinda understand when OPs have to be in a format. I try to remember to look at rules and search before posting.

The ones that get me to instant leave are the ones that have rules on how you answer posts. You can leave a detailed m, thoughtful post, and it’s automodded immediately because you didn’t say a particular word at the font of your post.

Edit: oh, or communities that require you to set up flair…is that still a thing?

I’m guessing people got a comment on it one or two times, where the agent was more curious than actually critical of it, or they had something else trip a flag for them, so they asked more questions to see if it was something important.

I had a relative work in customs for years. People who act nervous get more questions, but also people that seem a little too “perfect”. Making a joke like “I know my passport looks fake, but it’s not” would also get some extra attention, where just presenting it open to the photo would probably not.

Frequent travel to the same country can also set off warnings for illegal activity, or if you’re staying in another country on a residency or student visa more than ~3 months.

Edit: customs is not immigration, but they’re both border control agencies that work with people entering the country, possibly to do or while doing illegal activities.

No he won’t. Most immigration officers don’t even look at the cover, they just want the photo page on their scanner, and then maybe a glance through your other visas to see if you’ve been anywhere they have concerns.

I was really disappointed the blaster-saber just went away. I think they were worried it was too much of a crutch.

Yeah, I don’t get annoyed at bots posting good content. And when I don’t think it’s good, I downvote it.

This is so old, he probably just confiscated it and just walked away.

Entertaining. Not worth getting Apple TV just for it, but it’s worth watching when you have Apple TV to watch Slow Horses or Silo or Severance or some of their other great shows

The twin scene is one of the best ones. “Call me his name too” is what puts it over the top.

That’s gonna be some really confused people googling more about that show, or the USA comedy series.

Never buy a house less than 5 years old. Most of these issues are relevant within that time, although not all.

After 5-10 years though, you start having normal wear and tear issues though.

I got a laugh out of some of his clips, especially because I have experience in construction and am not surprised.

It’s amazing what typing in just a few song lyrics into Google will find.

There were a few competing to be the biggest and Shazam more or less won. Soundhound was another one.

Memes as “shorthand” is just a variation on slang. If you don’t see it, you don’t understand it, but when you do see it, you can just look it up and then understand.

Don’t care about others opinions, care about what you’re comfortable with riding.

Also, you can tune SPD pedals to be pretty loose with the clipping. The only time I ever had issues unclipping was after I bought a new set for my second bike and they were cranked all the way to the tightest setting.

What people think happens and what actually happens are not always the same

What I’ve found to be effective is only watching the first 60s of a trailer, unless it’s a movie I plan to see anyway. Usually the spoilers come after the 60s mark.

It allows me to look at a trailer for a movie I’ve never heard of, like this, without being too worried about “spoilers”.

Also, I think people freak out way too easily about “spoilers”. I recall having a conversation with someone about a recent tv show trailer and they said “I feel like I’ve already seen the whole season”, and the trailer was made only with content in the first two episodes of the season. Another instance with a movie I saw, the trailer “spoiled” the movie, and it turns out that was only the first 30 min, and the “twist” was a lie.

knowing what happens doesn’t ruin movies for me. If that was true for so many people, why would you re-Watch movies? Why would you go see a remake? Why would you watch a movie based on a book? You already know what’s going to happen.

Personally, I think it’s one of those things that people complain about because it’s cool to complain.

For people complaining that Liu betraying her is a spoiler, it might be something that happens in like 5 minutes of them meeting.

Had not heard of it until now, looks fun, and I like that it’s only ~a month away so I’ll actually remember this when it drops.

In theory it was also supposed to be a signal to first responders to look for the baby in a wreck. Doesn’t really work though if you just have it up all the time, and not only when you have the kid.