I also loved this book. I think Donna Tartt is pure genius. It’s on my top of all time books list.

I’m just too old to give a fuck anymore. I can’t be bothered to use new stuff- I actually kinda wanna go back to when I was a kid… it’s just not my world anymore…

I love Paulette Giles, and this one, specifically. Simon The Fiddler is also really good and crosses characters and stories with her other westerns set at this time period.

Interior windows are, indeed, a dead giveaway. Personally, I’d prefer a porch to this wasted space.

Ah, yes. Avon’s ever-popular “Eau de Grandmother”

Just don’t try Corrales Rd. There’s no shoulder and only one lane each direction. Loma Largo isn’t as pretty, but it’s much safer and actually has a bike lane.

I use the river trail (there’s always enough people on that one), neighborhoods in the north valley, and the trail that goes from Barstow up to Eubank and the Paseo frontage road (I’ve never seen anyone even remotely sketch on that trail). Early Sunday mornings, I’ll ride out through Corrales on Loma Largo.

Even though my Dad almost starved as a kid in the depression (I’m talking serious malnutrition), in the ‘70’s he subscribed to a magazine called “The Good Old Days.” It had a bunch of’20’s and ‘30’s era ads and stories about that time period. People are prone to romanticizing their childhood.

Ya. It really pisses me off that as a taxpayer, I can’t utilize much of what my taxes have funded over the years because of this very broken and overwhelmed system. It sucks.

I live in the desert southwest. I am so envious…

Anything that allows more love in the world is a good thing.

Thanks for posting this. As a woman who frequently rides alone, I avoid the arroyo trails because of the number of edge dwellers and bottom feeders on them. I worked with a woman who was bike jacked on that same trail.

Had some friends who used to hit up graveyards for flowers to give their girlfriends…

Love yourself enough to take good care of yourself.

Mine will not only greet you with kisses, but they’ll show you where we keep the silver…

This book was SO FREAKING GOOD, and so much more than I expected it to be.

It’s called gravity. As a person ages, their skin loses elasticity and if they aren’t actively smiling, it can appear as a scowl. (Instead of bitchy resting face, they have scowling resting face)

Honestly, I’ve never had a dog that I felt had lived long enough, and I’ve had dogs that lasted 15 years and dogs that died as young as 4. So, whether you get 13 years or significantly less, cavs are by far the sweetest, cutest and most cuddly pups. Get pet insurance; do your best to research breeders, take care of your pup when you get one, and enjoy feeling your heart fill up.

My old lab had one. My joke was that was where he kept his brain (he wasn’t very bright, but he was very sweet).

Dude was my landscape maintenance guy for years. He was always so nice, happy and friendly. When I first saw him on the news, I was shocked. He was even recommended to me by a friend who was a cop. You just never know what lurks inside of people.

I always wanted to be a gypsy in my retirement- road trip all over the US. Unfortunately, my husband has serious health issues which make that an impossibility… so, I find the joy in what life has given me and am very grateful for my health and the fact that I was able to retire at all.

Ya, I know my folks were much more lenient with me than and my brother (2 years older) they were with my other siblings. I totally get it. I can’t imagine raising kids for 30 years. At some point, you’ve got to just be exhausted by it all.

Both. Mom was born in 1921 and was 40 when I was born. Dad was two years older than mom. I was the youngest of 6. My parents were the same age as most of my peers’ grandparents. My older siblings are definitely boom generation (in life experience) while the last of us are Gen Jones. Same family; two different worlds in a lot of ways.