Every single thing that lived before us is dead. I'm going where I'm supposed to go, where everything else has gone.

Maybe it's nowhere, I become nothing. Even so, that's where I belong.

I share your fears.

Our only small sliver of hope is such a huge sweeping win for the Dems, that they overwhelmingly win all down ballot races, and we take the House and Senate with enough of a majority to implement what's needed to prevent future fascist fuckery.

Otherwise, it's only a matter of time.

If you like this, you'll probably like Joe Sorren. Unfortunately, his website is crap. But if you Google: Joe Sorren Artist, and go to images, you'll see a lot of his fabulous work.

I wish I could afford his paintings! I love his work so much!

You are so right BabyFarts.

I took this approach with the gangbangers next door. They became fast friends, were super respectful, even did my yard on multiple occasions when I was too busy.

I actually liked living next door to them because, turns out they were pretty damn cool kids, criminals, kind of scary, but in the end, just kids trying to survive.

Seriously though, my geriatric GSD has been doing this lately and it had me perplexed.

I'm now very concerned, yet grateful, and taking him to the vet ASAP..

Yeah, I'm going to be walling off a lot of it because I can use 700 slots in a pretty small area.

Right? I'm not sure he violated the gag order. Right on a boundary, but iffy.

Getting jailed would play right into his base. He's begging for it.

It's weird to me because I'm into bears. The big, hairy men bears.

I thought, "Oh, so now I'm going to have a lot more competition.'

Right? I was heartbroken for it's mate. They mate for life.

A widowed bird is a sad sight.

When I finally get my Dane, if someone asks if it's a horse, I'm just going to say yes. A super premature horse with birth defects. Sadly they can never be ridden. But yes, absolutely a horse.

I did this with my first ever paycheck! Lol at 16 year old me. Thank god my grandfather fell in love with it.

But now I'm worried about her....he died decades ago, but she's likely still alive? Ugh, poor bird.

Fuck 16 year old me, and fuck the strip mall pet store that sold a 16 year old a parot, with no advice or warnings.

This all happened in 1986.

Oof, no comments. I got nothing for you because I'm a future dane owning lurker. But I read everything on this sub in preparation.

If you do get answers, and they work, post a followup?

He's allowed to talk about the judge. Just not witnesses, jury, court employees or anyone above family members.

Trump is a fucking trianwreck, but he's not violating anything but his self respect in this instance.

Ohhh Cricket, that freak gave me the cooties.

I tried to use Copilot to do a fairly simple SQL statement. It completely shit the bed.

I wrote to it, "LOL, that was really bad."

It write back, "I'm sorry you don't like my solution, let's move on." And ended/locked that discussion.

So, right now Copilot is the worst of all worlds, shit at development, and apparently more sensitive and unreasonable than that Sr Dev we all know, the one that hasn't had a promotion in over a decade, that's only still there to maintain the spaghetti code he created and has been maintaining the whole time, refuses to properly train anyone on it, and just pitches a fit whenever someone moves his cheese.

She wasn't a Christian. I had an old boss who bragged about screwing her neighbors out of water rights, it was OK because they were gay. She repeatedly talked about how happy she was that the 'gays' were all going to hell.

An absolute hateful miserable bitch. 'Devout' evangelical, made sure everyone knew.

Thanks God I also worked with a Christian woman who was the most kind, loving, and ethical person I think I've ever met. She spent all of her vacations building houses for Habitat for Humanity. Gave a kidney to a stranger. Amazing human being that I'm honored to know.

Wouldn't ever know she was religious. The only reason I know is because we grew close over the years and she let it slip.

I use these right outside the dog door, and then again right inside the dog door with an easy to wash blanket underneath that matches my carpet.

Works like a charm!

I love this so much I want to marry it.

So gives all the hetro patented kids cancer because he's pissed at them too, but since we don't know why he's pissed at them, we'll go ahead and try to cure it.

This kind of shit is why people are leaving the church. And instead of getting their shit together, the evangelicals are trying to force people into their religion.

Well, we are in a divorce sub. Some of us are pretty damn raw right now. Others are super bitter/hateful and have stayed that way years after sock day. And wonder why they are divorced....

I'm saddened, but not super surprised by the toxicity.

Yeah, there are a lot of people in these comments that are jumping the gun with OP and coming up with some crazy advice/rationalizations.

I can see now why some of these folks are very bitterly divorced.

I'm all for OP making and sticking by his own choices, because it's his life and his marriage. But OP comes on here questioning his approach, and way too many people cheering him on, for absolute lack of communication and total shutdown.

Yep, I know nothing about photography, and the point and shoot functions on new phones make it pretty hard to mess up. The food filter is my favorite for taking close ups that look pretty damn arty with my zero talent.

Totally believable that a 9 year old took those.

Reddit is mean AF sometimes.