I can’t believe you’re being downvoted for suggesting courtesy and professionalism. Not to mention a conversation that could open opportunities and not burn bridges…Nah, just send an email and bail, that sounds better.

Mine cools, but never seems to cool the car as cold as the temperature setting is. For example, it will ramp down even though it’s definitely not 70 in the car.

Hey, I'm just a bystander here as well, and it's just my take. Those groups she has attacked and harassed directly may have a different opinion.

First, I would say her actions go way beyond annoying or uncomfortable and are legit attacks. However, I generally agree with you. She seems like a real piece of shit, but you cant fired just for that. The part that does seem to be a possibility is the point regarding posting directly about UCD as an institution as well as disregarding the university's Principles of Community and ignoring all of the required inclusive trainings. In any case The university has to be careful not to open itself up to an unlawful termination lawsuit though. Then she really gets paid. It's not quite as simple as many of the (rightfully so) outraged people online would like it to be.

This movie is begging for a remastered re-release with this kind of thing.

Sadly, in my experience, this is common in engineering design. Folks often focus on and solve issues they are capable of or know how to solve. This often ends up looking like they’re working problems small to big and leaves important issues ignored.

I’ve been to Bakersfield and that’s about how I remember it.

Paint a tunnel that looks 3-D like Wile E Coyote.

Someone needs to transition that boy’s hair for him.

Sure, that one’s great too, but not really any closer ☹️

I don’t know how many times I’ve said, Boy, I’d really like to be at Moonraker. Damn, I really don’t want to drive there.

Also for some perspective, if you’re very, very lucky every romantic relationship you ever have will end…except one. It may not make it hurt less now, but it will get better.

This is so stupid. A person with massive debt disappears? A suicide note with no body? Don’t you think the debt collectors will look into it? Why did he just take his pets to the shelter right before disappearing? Why did he just get a passport? Well, that makes him easier to track. Pretty easy to trace all the preparations made and determine he’s likely not dead, now he’s a wanted criminal.

This is exactly what I do. There's been absolutely zero daily inconvenience for me doing it this way.

I was expecting jizzim, but not Fascism!

Tried this solution for our neighbor’s dog and it didn’t work at all for us.

Usually keep the best of each of these I come across: long range sniper rifle, med/short range gun and a big boom like missile or grenade launcher. Obviously, what kind of ammo I have matters.

Jerry, I love you, but I can’t literally smell your balls from here.

I wanted to like it, as I like most of Anderson’s other films, but I fell asleep half way through.

WTF? Looks like a hairy jelly donut.