The Maple Leafs will make the playoffs again, but history has shown that they will be lucky to make it past the first round. Their star performers during the regular season fail to show up during the playoffs, where it matters most. They canā€™t score as much, a very ironic fact considering their records and having the 3x Rocket Richard-winning player

The Red Wings are progressively improving. This year, Iā€™m positive they will make the playoffs

The Maple Leafs have proven something, whereas the Red Wings have the opportunity to amend for their lack of playoff appearances


Look, Yzerman took an actual garbage Red Wings team and would have made the playoffs this year if it werenā€™t for Washington

Shanaplan had ten years, and the best result the Maple Leafs got was a second-round playoff appearance, which saw them annihilated by the Panthers

The Red Wings look great. Theyā€™re young, theyā€™re fast, theyā€™re BIG, and all winds directed north, next season will see a big improvement on them and their development

Also landing Tarasenko and resigning Kaine is huge

Bob Newhartā€™s Professor Proton

Penny: ā€œAny chance we can plug your heart into the potato?ā€

P.P.: ā€œā€¦N-Noā€

James on Metallica is the same as the James before all of that. It was on Load that you can tell the difference

I donā€™t know about a bloated walrus, but James sings much better now that heā€™s had training and had to alter his style

If he continued to sing the way he did when he blew his voice out, he wouldnā€™t have a voice to sing with. It was a necessary action that had to happen

In no way was metallica consistent in their discography, even in the albums you chose.

That's not what I said. I said that the songs in Load, Reload, or St. Anger were consistent throughout, either consistently garbage or consistent in the genre. Risk and Cryptic Writings can't commit to one style, they're just scrambled compilations of half-baked ideas

Crush Em isn't a "poor attempt" at an NHL anthem, it literally was but super edgy to criticize an album in Risk which no one ever has before.

Bro, what are you talking about? "Crush 'Em" was most definitely a poor attempt to make an NHL-themed song for use by the league. And since when is it edgy to criticize Risk? I'm calling out an album for being shit, it's pretty standard to do

When you say "at that point" that doesn't make sense as those albums were spread over 15 years with others in between.

That makes no sense. Did Cryptic Writings and Risk not come out in the '90s along with Load and Reload? Did Super Collider and Lulu not come out in the early 2010s? They are mirrors of each other in their respective decades. I'm using Load as an example, despite my adoration for that album, as it was a seismic shift in Metallica's style. It is much heavier than Risk, and I can safely say that after listening to both albums.

Why is it so hard for Megadeth fans to accept that they made soft rock at some points in their career? LOL call a spade a spade, not everything they made was awesome. Hell... St. Anger was heavier than those Megadeth albums I keep mentioning, and St. Anger is hot garbage

:Lateralus: Tool :Lateralus:

Load, Lulu, Reload, and St. Anger, are still heavier than Cryptic Writings, Risk, and Super Collider

At that point, Megadeth was teetering on the corniness of bands like Nickelbackā€¦ and I enjoy Nickelback

Back to the point, ā€œInsomniaā€ is definitely disco-pop, and the rest of the album is sprinkled with it. ā€œBreadlineā€ is mediocre radio rock, and ā€œCrush ā€˜Emā€ is a poor attempt at a NHL anthem. ā€œPrince Of Darknessā€ isnā€™t horrible, but itā€™s not enough to save the album

At least Metallica were consistent with the songs in those albums I listed. They all had the same energy and quality throughout

:Lateralus: Tool :Lateralus:

Metallicaā€™s softest was hard rock

Megadethā€™s softest was disco-pop

Ghost Reveries

Because I associate people with Irish heritage more with Newfoundland than with any other province. And I associate people with Scottish heritage more with Nova Scotia than any other province

Tkachuk acts like heā€™s still on the Flames, and like he totally didnā€™t leave to go to Florida

Also, call me crazy, but I donā€™t think a Flames fan, regardless of it being Calgary or Edmonton, would appreciate a guy talking smack about a place in Alberta after an Albertan team lost the Stanley Cup Final in seven games to a team from Florida

:ps: Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?

ā€œWake Up Deadā€ and Chris Poland

Bernierā€™s a joke. A populist who adheres to a certain ideology only when he sees benefit from it. He canā€™t turn back now because heā€™s so deep in the hole, that heā€™ll spend the rest of his now pathetic career pandering to nonsense and bigotry to gain a couple of votes that wonā€™t get him anywhere close to gaining a single seat, let alone his former seat

Letā€™s put this into perspective. Kratos is the only character in the Norse setting, aside from perhaps Baldur, that is built like a bodybuilder with visible definition. All the other characters are either average (Odin, Heimdall), fat (Thor) or built like a power-lifter (Thorā€™s sons)

:ps: Peace Sells... But Who's Buying?

Rust In Peace

I like it, just not as much as others do

Ghost Reveries

"Nova Scotian Irish Family"?

I didn't even know they existed. Scots, most definitely. But Irish?

Ghost Reveries

Pretty much any forest during autumn

Unless itā€™s more similar to My Arms, Your Hearse