They're Toronto west but they made a better decision on Hyman. I know that Hyman's progression arc was unpredictable but the Leafs probably would've won more series if they signed him instead of letting him walk.

If Edmonton wins they better find a way to make an exception to get Sam Gagner's name on the cup.

He should retire to a life of only disappointing his wife.

I'm not a big baseball guy but this article goes into the team's thinking. From the sounds of it his strikeout rate is horrid and he struggles against fastballs. Fixing some mechanics and finding some consistency would help. Tigers have an active enough sub that I'm sure others in there would have better info.

That's a really cool thing for Saginaw. Love to see my hometown area pull something like that off.

A few days ago the Athletic's Katie Strang and Dan Robson dropped a deeper dive on Babcock and how he's still connected to the power structure throughout the league. They also went more in-depth on the Marner situation in Toronto and it's believed that Babcock's treatment led to Marner and his agent playing hardball for that last contract. The piece, like any Katie Strang piece, is worth reading. She's an absolute bulldog investigative journalist, someone I look up to.

Years ago a buddy of mine said he wasn't sure whether to tell his kids that santa wasn't real or to let them believe that they were too bad for santa to show up cause he was broke that year. I like to hope he went with the latter and dumped a bunch of mythical related guilt on them. Those kids are probably catholic now because the guilt in that religion felt so right. u/duelingdog gave a perfect response to use on kids.

Fear of med bills probably inspired some of it. It wasn't a huge deal beyond almost dying of sepsis. They had me on intense IV antibiotics for a few days then more antibiotics for about a week before feeling like it was safe to take it out. It was a stupidly dangerous moment but in the long run it wasn't so bad.

I like freezing a ton of meatballs whenever I make meatballs for dinner. Plop them in a quick sauce and you can have meatball subs, spaghetti and meatballs, or even Asian inspired meatball fare for dinner. It takes moments and gives you delicious comfort food.

It's insanely easy to misdiagnose ourselves when you face other chronic conditions. I deal with serious chronic back pain and let my appendix burst because I just related the pain to my back

If you wanted it to be a bicep you should've added more veins.

This is exactly what I thought of when seeing Ops post.

I think their fans deserve the big win

People from Florida don't deserve happiness, even Panthers fans. I just can't have that.

For his size he was surprisingly athletic. Farley had some crazy control over wild movements.

Even well traveled in SE Asia or culinary curious white people like myself would understand the term. I've walked by many containers of pork floss in asian markets.

As a fat, middle aged guy you have to make choices between blow and hookers if you want to avoid a heart attack. This is a part of growing up that nobody warned me about.

I believe that, much like crows, a flock of Smart Cars is called a Murder.

Parking this way feels more dangerous to your vehicle's well being than just parking normally. I wouldn't do it cause I'm a fine upstanding citizen (these days) but I don't see how parking like that isn't an invitation to get your car keyed. This type of obvious selfishness is an invitation for certain people to try to find some weird type of justice.

My son started calling a certain type of Texan "Old West/Cowboy Cosplayers" and that's what they've become to me.

We're talking about Kenny Holland being in his prime, right?

Hell, it goes beyond just the right part of the country and certain laws. In many states, including ours, the discrimination you face living in one of our cities is vastly different than what someone faces in our rural areas.

at some point something is so common

Go to America's bible belt or even rural northern Michigan and try to find openly gay people who can exist as normal without fear. Maybe in Sweden things are less obviously split but here it's extremely obvious.

Perfectly stated. I don't care about LGBTQ+ people any more or less than anyone else in society but too many in society have treated them as lesser than in truly ugly ways throughout this country's history. That's something this dude just doesn't abide. I've never seen any of these groups (except mine) demand special rights and treatment, only equal rights. Pride stuff is just a way of recognizing this ugly history and pushing for a more equal world.

Bro in law should have to insert increasingly larger butt plugs in his ass as the birth process happens. When he feels he's at his limit he should be strapped down for the next few steps up. Dilate the hell out of that brown eye. Let's see how quickly quickly he asks for pain meds and to be free of that mess.

It's a damn shame what corporate greed and inflation have done to the cost of milfs.

I've gotten so old that milf porn includes women who are too young for me.

If she really believed in good change, good trouble, she would've handcuffed herself to Rikers long before this mess. Rikers has been a certain hell for a long damn time and it's probably only fitting for trump and some of the worst criminals.