Plenty of other shops and business in the city centre fully support the transport plan.

Kids are born with an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex. You can educate them but before a certain age, they have a very limited ability to stay out of danger. This is why learner drivers are explicitly taught how to handle this scenario - as the OP demonstrated excellently.

They were never going to do it themselves. It would be very difficult to but something like that from scratch.

20202 we got the summer we all needed. 2021 wasn’t bad either.

Covid is gone, we get our misery somewhere else now.

WFH is not a loophole that allows you to work from anywhere in the world indefinitely and dodge your and your employers tax responsibilities.

  1. It’s easier for passengers because they don’t need to buy a leap card, top-up a leap card and keep money on the leap card. This is especially true for infrequent passengers or visitors to Dublin/Ireland.
  2. It’s much easier to add features to an ABT system like than to add them to an on-card system like Leap.
  3. It might be cheaper to run than Leap.

That’s how democracy works. Decisions are made for people who participate.

Did anyone question the boss about why a plan which restricts through-traffic for a minority of people would result in the shop closing?

Through-traffic means vehicles that are passing through the city centre and not stopping. There’s nothing in this plan that would stop someone driving to town and going shopping.

Someone is hare brained alright and it’s not this plan.

Let’s assume you’re right. What benefit did it bring, did he save a second, maybe two seconds?

Assuming you mean the fresh ones that the cook in-store?

I hope you flashed your lights and gave them a big friendly wave 😃

OP was probably being extremely inconsiderate and only driving 5-10kph over the speed limit. The person behind is a much better driver and knows they can drive safely much faster than the limit /s.

Wasn’t this voted in by the elected councillors?

Dublin Airport

  • Wrights Airport Convenience Store (T1 Arrivals)
  • WH Smith (T1 Arrivals)
  • Spar Shop (Terminal 2)

WH Smith and Spar are both definitely land-side, no need to pass through security. I’m not sure about Wrights.

There are also other places in the city centre:

  • Dublin Bus, 59 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
  • Spar, 63 Upper O’Connell Street, Dublin 1
  • Mullins Newsagent, Unit 1B Heuston Station, Dublin 8
  • Spar, 50 Talbot Street, Dublin 1
  • Spar, 70/72 Talbot Street, Dublin 1
  • GPO, O’Connell Street, Dublin
  • Trinity College Dublin Student Union, 6 Trinity College, Dublin 2
  • Easons, Unit 2, Connolly Station, Dublin 1

I’m not sure your last comment is correct. EBay are acting as a payment aggregator in this case. The OPs card authorisation was in payment for goods, it doesn’t matter that the payment was made via an aggregator.

They’re not wrong. Sandyford to St Stephen’s Green is 20 minutes on the Luas and there are plenty of housing estates right beside Stillorgan and Sandyford Luas stops.


Councils get their funding from rates (paid by businesses), LPT (paid by home owners), revenue (parking, charges for council services, rent from social housing) and grants from central government. The last one makes up the majority of their funding but is almost always earmarked for specific things like housing developments, transport improvements, etc.

Until recently, LPT was paid to revenue and then decided out between the councils with poorer councils receiving more tax than was actually paid in their area with the balance coming from richer councils.

LPT makes up a tiny portion of larger councils budgets but it’s not earmarked for anything in particular so councillors have discretion about where it’s spent.

This site is useful to see where each council spends its money:

A normal lottery win definitely wouldn’t cover most houses there.

There’s so much to unpick there.

It will be possible to drive or cycle on the motorway without travelling the full length. So people could cycle between any two towns along the motorway, just like people can drive between any two points on the other motorways today.

Plenty of people cycle to get to places, not just for him. Just like plenty of people drive places for fun, not just because they have to. Neither mode of transport is limited to a single use case.

Neither you nor anyone else here knows what the cycle path will be like to use. Maybe it’ll be separated from the motorway with nothing more than wire. Or maybe it will be separated by hard landscaping and other noise abatement measures. You don’t know. But somehow you’re able to know years in advance that no one would want to use it.

If you want to know TII’s reasons for building a cycle lane along the motorway, why don’t you ask them? Or is it enough for you to vent here without knowing any of the facts, fully confident that your opinion is 100% correct at all times?