My wife is as TBM as anyone I know but she totally loved the Simpsons because she can recognize the brilliance of the writing. 😊

Marsha McKellar is very possibly the tie in to Pentalon but I'm not sure how.

Russell Nelson family construction business building tons of new apt complexes??News

Maybe someone smarter and more motivated than I am can figure out the tie between Pres Russell Nelson and the Pentalon construction company that's been flooding the Wasatch front with huge apt complexes for that last 10 or more years.

I believe it may be five of his sons or sons in law?

I smell insider real estate deals a go go.

I've just felt a burning in my bosom!Doctrine/Policy

I've just had a revelation (while reading the long list of acquisitions LDS.INC recently purchased from CC.

Profit Nelson is planning to announce a seismic shift in LDS doctrine combining many aspects of the CC into LDS doctrine thereby increasing the leaning toward main stream Christianity

If there's enough oil to drip, it's way WAY too much. The proper amount of oil is the amount left after trying your best to remove all of it. Period. Then put in the oven to set the seasoning.

My understanding is that the newest belts are made to split and hook back together and it's not ever an issue. Maybe I was mislead?

I think that's a better choice for sure Good luck!


I have learned and in most cases can now after almost 10 years out express my points without anger, or hostility.

This is the key. Speak with love (toward them) about what a load of crap they believe, and why it really makes no real sense and that there is zero evidence to support it, beyond it's popularity among their tiny little circle of life.

You'd have to ask Russ Nelson

Are you considering trying to rent a bike? Or even already arranged such a thing for this year's Ragbrai?


Looks like it'll work !?!?

Looks like the recent look of the valley of the Great Salt Lake.

Two beautiful bikes too!

Looks like a fantastic trip! Great pics!

Steel wool= tiny steel fibers that rust, and is nasty

Stainless steel sponge= the right stuff for the job along with regular dish soap.

I'm bringing my bike on the train. This will be my third. Previous two were with a club out of Am Fork.

I may or may not use the Ragbrai trucks. I'm planning to NOT, but if I have a less than successful spring and early summer of training I might cave and let them carry my stuff πŸ™‚

Exactly! Are you self supporting also? I enjoyed last year but decided then I wanted to do it unsupported this year.