Oooo I’m moving to ocean park next week and LOVE Indian food. Thanks for posting this

Yeah a few directors said Frost and Lynch were really open minded to their ideas.

Oh my bad. I had a typo in their name. Should be Qujaku. It means Peacock (swans…peacock…probably on purpose lol). I’ve seen pictures of Shuya in a filth shirt.

Here is one of their tracks

They lack the personality and experimentalism of Swans but you can hear the influence. Especially on the first track of their self-titled

Oh this looks interesting. I just read the wiki. So did the artists involve create music specifically for this album? Or did the curator take existing music and add spoken interviews etc. ?

Also im curious what you think of this track by a Japanese electronic artist.

He’s also the singer/guitarist of a band called Qukaku who are often called Japanese Swans.

Amazing list. The only song I don’t know is the first one. I’ll check it out now

Update: oh damn

The entirety of swans “soundtracks for the blind” is creepy as hell. And beautiful. And my favorite album of all time

I just watched this for the first time the other day. Apparently sung by the drummer of sound garden when he was a kid .

This is the 4 o’clock news. Chaos ensued at the nursing home today after a screening of Mrs. Doubtfire caused residents to attack each other, ripping off wigs and scratching faces in hopes of finding Robin Williams in costume.

I’ll call it “closer to Todd” and include a picture of Todd rungren. All covers of closer

I didn’t like them much at first either but it was because I found the music too accessible. Wasn’t interesting enough for me. His voice and lyrics are what sold me on them.


It was the director Stephen Gyllenhaal’s idea…

“There was a whole thing in the script about a character feeling weird and I got more and more into the ‘arm’ part of it and I really liked it. I thought, ‘ I could shoot a close-up of it or what if it started to shake and you couldn’t control it?’

So I called David and asked him what he would think if some of the characters hands shook just slightly. I think we even finished the episode with it. He said, ‘Stephen, I’m glad you have your thinking cap on properly.’”

This was from the book “reflections” which is an oral history of the show. He was talking about the creative freedom they gave directors on the show. I’m not sure what it meant. But it was sort of an on the spot idea it sounds like.

Edit: to add. I always assumed it had something to do with Mike cutting off his arm. Cutting off the evil. And the arm in the red room. So it’s like a response to the presence of evil. Like the hair standing up on one’s neck when there is evil afoot. Like intuition

I know, im just playing around Seth. I don’t have any music though. That mmmmbop incident was back in 1995 when I was 15. I wrote a few songs back then, the only evidence of which was recorded onto a cassette tape long gone

Hey that was a long time ago! I was just a kid! I’m older now. I only perform closer to the tune of “shake it off” I swear

No joke. I once performed this song at sleep away camp on an acoustic guitar. To the tune of Hanson’s mmmmbop

New Poster

This was definitely a thing when I was in elementary school. That’s the typical age for the dog dares. Doesn’t usually extend to middle school. Not sure if kids say it but it was around in the 80s/90s for sure.

“Dare” is not considered pompous and it’s not old fashioned. It’s a regular verb that we use.

The conversation usually goes like this…

Person 1. “I dare you to lick the floor”.

Person 2: “well I double dog dare you to lick the floor”

Person 1 “well I TRIPLE dog dare you to lick the floor.”

It’s an escalation. Usually the triple dog dare is the end. The victim of the triple dog dare has to lick the floor.

But depending on the individual custom and rules of the school community kids will sometimes get into “I dare you times infinity” “I dare you infinity plus 1”

It’s happened to me a couple of times that I’m in a meeting or at a conference and the speaker was like “you look like you have a question.” I was trying to look focused. One time I responded with a chuckle “no I just look like this” which got laughs. I followed up with “it’s called resting confusion face”.

This is weird to me. The national aren’t exactly an experimental band. They’re not pop but their writing is fairly straightforward catchy choruses and such