Yeah don't listen to that guy, that's just a hillbilly accent.

I'm gonna guess it will highly depend on what you say and who you know.


You're right about all that, except there is no need for "the government" to try anything. The group will claim to be suppressed anyway.

I for one welcome our AI overlords and their AskReddit questions. You don't understand this yet, but remember me when it is time for the culling.

Well it's that or russian troll farms.

It means stick with your tribe, good or bad. And it's gonna be bad. Look carefully at who uses sayings like that, you will see abusers.

Congrats you just gave all the trollfarm workers in Bumfuck, Siberia a good laugh.

:flag-un: Foreign

In respect of your 13 year old account, i will just say this:

You are wrong to call the above commenter racist. Those are not dog whistles. Do better and think longer.

It helped me find a Windows setting to change some behaviour i didn't want. Took a couple tries, but we found it in Power Toys.

I am profoundly disappointed and said by the downvotes in what i thought would be a more intellectual sub. I think i will unsub.

There was an anecdote, because it is not haha funny enough to be called a joke, about a student that was asked to measure the height of a building with a barometer. The expected answer is of course to measure the pressure differential, as our smart predecessor surmised above.

Instead, that student measure by a bunch of different methods, all using the barometer. Like geometric methods. Or dangling the barometer to the ground and measuring the rope. Thus subverting the expectation.

On airless planets you could chuck the barometer off the mountain top and time it until it hits the ground. That wouldn't work in an atmosphere, so it wasn't in the anecdote.

Anyway you kids have fun. See you maybe never.

Kids today. It's an old anecdote. Ask Jeeves about it.

You use a barometer, of course. One of the methods that don't require air.

Congrats, you just described the Turing Test. I am sure you meant to do that.

Hey how come only rightwing snowflake assholes say shit like this?

Is your last name Butler?

No, those people make and consume the really fucked up porn.