If you're already next to the boss room, then yes. Clearly you were about to fight the boss.

This man hordes correctly. Like hell im risking even a single gold out of my 100k horde. And no, I dont intend to pay taxes on it.

Isekai truck owner:AstolfoGun:

Oh don't worry, I can fix you.

Makes the father an ugly bastard.

There! All better.

"Barbarian, why is the Alchemist dead?"

"He made me pay taxes."


I have honestly yet to see anyone incorporate the trans flag into a mini in any decent way. It just doesn't work. The trans flag uses flat pastel colors. Meaning its extremely difficult to use it to define shadows and highlights.

Thats nothing. He once suplexed a charger into a behemoth, killing them both.


At the time GW told all fan animators that they would allow no further fan animation. GW really didnt end up enforcing this except the very obvious case of the Last Church animation which was basically IP theft. But animators at the time did not know what GW would do, so it made them nervous.

Alfabusa at the time just had a kid and was worried about his financial future. Meanwhile, Paradox publishing had already given him money to make a Stellaris animation and wanted to work with him more. Given GW's chilly attitude and the availability of an IP that would actually sponsor him, jumping ship was an easy decision.


I'd be surprised if the admech do not worship the ancient tech priest known as Saint Moses Browning.

Wait until you hear about the Orbital Drop Shock Divers that the Coast Guard is working on.

Isekai truck owner:AstolfoGun:

OP is a real fucking basic bitch. You telling me you aren't curious what mawile can do with that second mouth?

Why do devs always seem to make this mistake? One would think after the PUBG fiasco that China would be region locked in any shooter by default.

I used to love the arc thrower, but it got hit by several nerfs. Some direct, some indirect. It can no longer stagger hulks, which was its true saving grace on the bot front. Having to stand there and keep devastators stun locked isn't great when better weapons just one-tap them in the head.

The months of shame are just peak grimderp, even with ADB trying to clean up the plot.

We have plenty of guard stories before where guard fought daemons. Both Cain and Gaunt went up against daemons. It really makes no sense that chaos is a big secret to guardsmen in this storyline.

It is not. Players are going to more focus more and be better prepared for a tournament.

Since you can reasonably climb the ladder with a 40% winrate now, you're going to see a lot of experimental and non-meta decks.

I'm to Corviknight using great Tusk mill only playing occasionally.

You're going to want a bunch of electricity generators in case they play path to the peak. Path prevents the ability on charizard. You'll also want some dark energy because charizard is a dark type

You've clearly never done self defense training with blades.

I have 6 years of experience through fencing, hema, and practice daggers. I can confidently say that I never want to be in a blade fight. Its too easy to make a timing or footwork mistake and end up dead.

Given that people were already submitting patents for machine guns immediately after the constitution was written, I'm willing to bet they did not see the existence of private machine guns as a problem. Otherwise, we would see some sort of legislation banning machine gun ownership before the Supreme Court had established the right to judicial review.

Its literally in the constitution that a private citizen can own a cannon. Congress has the right to issues Letters of Marque. A Letter of Marque is the approval of a ship to be a privateer. Privateers are privately owned warships.

Motherfucker, not only should I be able to own a cannon, I should be able to own a Destroyer with 5.5 inch guns.

Yeah, congress really wanted an early version of a machine gun or multi-shot weapon for the navy to suppress enemy cannon gunners.

Multi-shot weapons like the puckle gun were around since 1718. A gun that had a theoretical fire rate of 120 rounds per minute was submitted to the US War Department in 1792. The founders had to assume that eventually someone would have a functional machine gun.

The problem is that to write smart people you have to be smart. Timothy Zann can pull that off. The show writers cannot.

Kinda feels like they already fumbled Thrawn. He feels very dim in Ahsoka. Like the only intelligent thing he did in the show was laying some space mines. Otherwise he makes some very obvious blunders through the rest of the show.

Yeah, im not very concerned about a nation that struggles to project airpower 100 miles from their border.


I was today years old when I learned Mark Hamill voiced Skips. Seems obvious though when I think about it.

:Dolphins: Dolphins

Salt is all we have left. The best we can look forward to is getting knocked out of the wild cars round.