The Pushcart Wars when i was about 12 years old

Find some hot pepper jelly. You won’t regret it

Squirrel Hill South

Chengdu gourmet on Forward.

That’s not coherent advice. Guess your username isn’t good advice either…

Either the Pitch or Bulldogs Pub should show the Hounds game. Both are okay for kids

I’m at about $120 every two weeks at Aldi with occasional trips to TJ or our Co-op.

Squirrel Hill South

I love Sals. Real NYC pie

Me and a buddy dressed in gorilla suits one Halloween. It was one of the best costumes ever

That’s the real wand dang doodle

Cool, always wondered how he got that nickname

My kids watch it. It’s a fun show. I love Annie Potts. Plus you got Wallace Shawn! And Reba

I’m the same. For me i think the Beatles are the best band but my favorite is the Dead