Half of her content is responding to negative comments. She loves them because it’s easy videos to make.

I can’t even imagine how many things she is going to find to complain about while on her trip. She leads a very sheltered, predictable existence. I don’t see her enjoying this trip at all.

I went in with the plan of doing option B on the tread. But decided to tackle option A with my tread neighbor. We both finished together and it was great! I sometimes forget how helpful that friend in class can be for motivation!

I have listened to that story again so many times. He seems like such a sweet guy!

I agree. There are certainly some unique aspects of neurodiversity. But I have a son on the spectrum and he struggles so much with social cues and interactions. Add ADHD on top of it and daily life can become very overwhelming. Gifts don’t outweigh the hard times.

Her upline was Sarah Hill. I think Sarah has lost a few of her top directors in the past year.

I was totally blind. Just kept seeing videos about it on TikTok, didn’t even realize it was fanfic. I was blown away from the writing. And then it introduced me to the amazing world of Dramione.

Liz’s phone story really made me laugh. I have a husband with ADHD and have also done something similar at the airport.

My studio makes a big deal those types of milestones. Pictures, special gift, and personalized cards. They are also very active on social media.

I know in the past he worked a seven on, seven off schedule.

I’ve really like this pod because it introduced me to Liz. She is so articulate, empathetic, and seems like someone I would love to have as a friend. When compared to Monica, I don’t know how their relationship works. I’m not a typical Monica hater, but she was very dismissive and rude.

Kate is thrilled at any chance to spend her money on anything bland and boring. And her followers eat it up! She is so snarky and rude, I don’t know how she stays popular.

I unfollowed her last year because she just wouldn’t shut up about how good her gift guides are.

We had someone doing their intro class today in a 3G. He was a great sport and says he will come back. 😂

Small mercy that it started at 60s and went down. I don’t know if I would have been able to end at 60s x2 efforts.

I love this account. I have sent DM’s a few times and have always received a personal response. I feel like they are very genuine people.

I started the episode, but stopped about 30 minutes in. I’m not sure if I will go back to it. I’m so sick of Dax’s both sides BS. Clearly JVN know what he is talking about and it must be so exhausting to always to be on the defensive and provide education.


Her videos showing her scrolling on the phone while the pumpkin was on fire behind her made me laugh out loud.

Me too. The way my studio is set up, station 10 feels the air from every portion of the workout. It’s a lifesaver for me because I sweat so much. 😂

Reading the intel, I wasn’t too excited for the 3G. Definitely got my butt kicked and my abs are on fire!

She’s definitely doing better than I was! But it’s definitely easier to take a newborn around before they get older and move around on their own.

Yes I felt so bad for that first guy! It’s such a joke that they were hassling him for money while his child is a patient.

Feel like they are making sure the first Mayhem tshirt is really earned! ◡̈

This is fairly typical behavior for her. She is always the victim of something.

When she was building her home, she received messages to share her floor plan and other design aspects. She didn’t want to be copied and refused. (I feel like she shouldn’t have shared because of safety and keeping all details of her home off the internet, but I know that wasn’t her top reason.)