Oh hey! Sorry i forgot to respond but yes this was very useful to me. Thank you so much :)

Thank you! This will probably work

skin picking

recently i have gotten this bad habbit of picking my lips, it just goes on its own. i also pick the skin around my fingers or bite my nails, but i have this habbit since childhood. the problem is that i dont even notice that i am doing it until the skin comes off. my question is why does this happen and how can i stop it?

Is there a reason for this? Because i do it too and i dont even notice until the skin comes off

Yooo joost. How do you feel about the fact that you became insanly popular in such a short period of time?

No. I meant Konya, which is in turkey

How do i start skateboarding

Ive been thinking about learning how to ride a skateboard but im completely a beginner and dont know anything about this hobby. Can yall give me some tips on how to begin. And which skateboard should i buy?