I shower once or twice a week. In between I do sponge bath . If I work extra hard and sweat I'll take one .

Do her a favor and kindly tell her

She should have some respect for you and herself by practicing daily hygiene. It's not rocket science.

Everyone's journey with cancer is different. But the first week your in shock and disbelief. Ask your doctor what the plan is and take it from there. Bring someone with you if you can and write down your concerns and questions before your appointment cuz your mind will go blank. Hang in there and good luck. You can do this💪

First of all it's not their decision to say no cpr it's your life not theirs don't let these medical facilities screw you around cuz all they care about is dollars. You need another dr opinion . I hope it works out for you. You are too young for this . Also get a lawyer it sounds like a neglect case to me.

Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional.

It's important for your doctor to know . They aren't gonna judge you they just need to have all the facts to get a correct diagnosis. Especially when I comes to such a major organ like your heart.

You put in a plastic bag and tie it very tight and put in the trash. Not rocket science . Who flushes soup with bones down a toilet anyway???

Yesterday I was talking about blue chip stamps and the person I was talking too didn't know what I was talking about. I realized then I'm gettin old🙃

Demand a weeks worth of opiate pain medication if he refuses report him .?this crap needs to stop

He's only asking for his friends to give some friendship. Company you know. He's not asking them to come do hard labor.

I just cringed watching that video. I hope someone steps on before that baby gets killed or injured.

I was thinking the same thing . People are so judgmental assuming so much. I hope they don't have to be homeless one day .

I agree with you. I didn’t ring the bell either. I just went home glad that the daily 3 hour drive and the radiation was over. On with life.

My yearly mammogram found early stage cancer I had a lumpectomy with lymph node that we’re negative for cancer. I had radiation and now take a pill for 5 years. Yearly mammograms save lives. Cancer is no picnic

Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional.

Can you get some disability

Its very shocking and scary at first. You need time to process it. Read and get as much info as you can. You will be offered lumpectomy or mastectomy depending on the size and lab results. Its going to be a long journey. Lots of appointments , surgery , your life will change for awhile . You may need radiation after surgery and depending on the kind of cancer you have pills or chemo. I had a lumpectomy and radiation . Stage one. I have to take estrogen blockers for 5 years. Its a long scary journey but you will get thru it.good luck and stay positive.hope this helps a little

Layperson/not verified as healthcare professional.

Your dad needs medical care ASAP. Hang in there. I know it’s scary but there are good medicine and treatments today.good luck my young friend.keep us updated

That is awesome I had breast cancer but had a lumpectomy. If I had a mastectomy I would love this tattoo. #cancersucks

We will never know exactly what happened. But it did happen and its tragic. Live everyday like its your last cuz none of us knows when God will call us home. This has really hurt my heart its so sad and tragic.

Granola . You can mix it with ingredients you like and bake in the oven. Granola!

As a breast cancer survivor myself I would encourage you to get a second opinion. Get tested again mammogram and ask for a biopsy to make sure. Its your life you must be pushy if need be. I wish you good luck and good health.