Their oldest son runs it now. They're in that shopping plaza off Due West by that planet fitness. You'll need a workout after that fried chicken!

For Southern food try Bailey and Cato in Madison

They tore down the entire mall. So yeah.

:flag-va: Virginia

Remember, there's still two debates. Or at least the first part of one debate if he melts down. Lol

"Hello, is Al there?"

"Al who?"


"Hey! We got an Al Koholic in here?"

I love the "PROVE ME WRONG". It's the most passive aggressive way to say "I CANT PROVE THIS" Lol!!

Agree, the Mason Dixon line isn't the divider any longer. The regional differences have shifted. For example, SW Virginia and NOVA are like two different states politically.

"The key to Peace in the ME is isolating Iran from money and power .."

Found on - April 2024:

"During my Administration, the United States has sanctioned over 600 individuals and entities—including Iran and its proxies, Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Kataib Hezbollah. And we will keep at it. I’ve directed my team, including the Department of the Treasury, to continue to impose sanctions that further degrade Iran’s military industries."

There were well over 1,000 rockets fired from Gaza into Israel each year in both 2018 & 2019. I think it was Covid-19, not Trump, that slowed things down. No?

Right, because Joe Biden and Democratic US Senators brought the NY state charges against Trump. /s

:flag-va: Virginia

I'm thinking this will come up at some point. There's an art to timing this stuff in an election cycle.

:flag-va: Virginia

If only there was video footage from multiple sources of him saying it, then MAGAs could STILL not believe he said it. /S

It's not those cities, it's those states which are only decisive because of the EC.

It's amazing how stupid they are willing to act just to try to insult other people, over politics.

Follow me. We keep the good puddin pops in THIS freezer.

I'll drop the obligatory "check out " response. It's probably the best way to see what's happening near you. Also look for a local Hands Across America chapter.

Why is this an Onion headline? I mean, it's just a few months early.

:flag-va: Virginia

And without one bit of irony it has not dawned on him or his MAGAs that this guy made a decision based on the same evidence as everyone else. Kind of like the Trump appointed judges throwing out election fraud cases as unsubstantiated.

I hope they keep reminding everyone who they are, loud and often, so these strangely uncommitted voters will wake up to what "shit show part 2" will look like if he wins.

Frantic? Nah, when the winds of politics change these people change positions in a heartbeat with a stunning degree of amnesia.