My reaction to a good boomering is to reevaluate my life choices, kneel down before a superior generation, thank them for destroying the environment, flip burgers (with a smile) until I retire, then vote conservative.

That’s fully what they expect right?

Literal demons take over the world at night, survivors huddle in shrinking enclaves. First book was interesting concept, second is controversial, then I think there was a decline in quality.

Not entirely. Its writing is slightly on the YA side, but many of the themes and events are definitely adult.

Big strong men. Big muscles. Butter dripping on their rippling pecs….

At this point, DJT is just about ego (the stock price and the person).

They would prefer if there is cash to spend, send it right to the campaign/defense fund.

Or if he’s got the money, probably going to a cheap Caribbean cruise or all inclusive and then complaining that all the staff are brown.

I was there with my kids middle school for Music in the Park. They do it every year apparently, and it’s huge. Our school is “medium” by the event classification and we sent 400 students to the park.

I did feel bad for anyone who accidentally picked yesterday thinking it would be a somewhat slow day to ride a lot.

My first time in the park - was very nice and clean (grew up near the crap hole of Great Adventure). Food lines were insane. We did one ride just at opening, then it wasn’t worth the wait.

They can’t stand to be questioned either.

“You aren’t smart enough to get it. It’s satire/ a joke/ironic/troll. I could explain, but it’s not worth it.“

So red! I have a decent crop this year, but I’m picking them a little earlier than I like to starve the squirrels.

Where the sliver is matters too, most likely a swing state where people might be less entrenched than in a deep red bastion. A percent or two matters in the right places.

I’ve already seen “evidence” that says his support is up (big fund raising day), that it’s unchanged, and that it is eroding.

It cannot be all 3, so most people will see what they are fed by news outlets or algorithms, and believe what fits their narrative best.

Keep saying decimated enough and people will start imagining the figurative meaning. I’m all for it.

Even if they could conceive going against their “esteemed” colleagues, I think the 7 are too reluctant to make any waves that would further diminish the opinion of the court (thereby playing into the bad rep they have earned).

I could wear them at my age and situation (almost 50, East coast, preppy background) but the arch support kills my feet every time!

Like most middle class Americans, I can afford the payoff, but not the gross-up to let an attorney claim it as income. Not relatable.

Corrupt SCOTUS: we’ll allow this case to be considered.

It’s not corruption. It’s not cool that there are work around and back channels, but LE gets a pass for a lot of worse things than this.

If the MVC issued a new driver a license without a test, I’d say that’s something. Renewal? Blah. Just low level line skipping. Happens many times a day just from confusing queueing.

I had a friend managing a MVC location many years ago. When my wife needed a name change, he pulled us out of line.

You know people, you help people (as long as you aren’t getting fired or going to jail).

1970s: Elric of Melnibone 1980s: Legend by David Gemmel 1990s: A Game of Thrones 2000s: The Blade Itself

Small govt, pro business, Christian terrorists.

Adulterer. Tax cheat. Multi bankrupt. Small hands. Big diaper.

Tons of redeeming qualities the GOP can latch on to.

Probably every instance of the prosecution introducing things that made him look guilty.

Best chance they have is for the judges smack down of the sole defense witness. Entirely warranted, likely provoked just for the appellate fodder.