Thanks for your answer!

How easy to use in terms of maintenance is the Qidi compared with Bambulab?

My budget is 400-500$ in Spain. Is there anything better than the Bambulab A1 even if it is 100$ or so more?

I'm looking for a 3d printer that doesn't require extra configuration, I just want to print some things for my kitchen garden (in the outside, with sun), work tools (heavy) and some other ordering things.

Seems like for that budget there is nothing better. Could you please help me a bit? Thanks!

I recently bought same pan and having exactly same colour and behaviour. Due to dozens videos in the internet I saw I expected to be blue instead of gold brown, but since I'm new with these frying pans I don't really know.

I started to think it is the oil in using (sunflower oil). Which one are you using?