Even in this picture you can clearly see the dresses aren’t the same??

Ultimately an overweight person has to want to change. Being overweight is absolutely something that affects the people around you - we’re literally commenting on an entire post surrounding the fact that OP had to adjust plans all weekend long because her friend was too unhealthy to manage the original plans.

Again, all of this comparing and contrasting of the details is ultimately irrelevant. The point is that pointing out you’re worried about someone’s behavior is not infantilizing or insulting them. Everyone should know people care for them. People struggling should definitely know when it gets bad enough that other people are concerned.

kiss me or kill me

Who the hell said Tyler had no right to go after Klaus?! People say that???

you can just stop doing

If you want to die, sure. Opiate withdrawal can give you cardiac issues. Benzo withdrawal can give you seizures. Alcohol withdrawal can give you DT, seizures, and more. That isn’t even mentioning the psychological weight of addiction and how hard it is to manage. You can’t just wake up one day and stop doing drugs with no repercussions. Even if you don’t have serious medical issues, you have a week of physical withdrawals and then months of post-acute withdrawal syndrome.

You can become a drug addict from medication or medical issues too. Being addicted to anything, be it drugs, food, etc. is more nuanced than just “oh just stop doing it.” Some people need drugs to live. Diabetics, chronic pain patients, cancer patients. Overweight people don’t need crap ass food to live but you don’t see anyone in the comments saying she should “just stop eating fatty foods” or “just stop ordering Ubers”

Also, the cause is ultimately irrelevant. This conversation is about whether or not a friend coming to her gently could possibly give her a little shake of reality. It could. It may be necessary based on all the reasons I already gave.

Being a recreational drug user isn’t the same as being a drug addict either. You’re misrepresenting my metaphor.

Overweight is not the same as being so out of shape you cannot walk a few blocks. You can be overweight but still relatively healthy. I have no idea what exactly OP’s friend’s weight is classified as, but I do know that if she is struggling to walk to the park or navigate a walk-up apartment, she’s lost control of her situation.

The issue is that if you want to keep your supply up, you’d have to be waking up to pump when your husband feeds anyway. You’re not really gaining any sleep that way

I’d just like to add an anecdotal point of view. I was a drug addict. I knew I was a drug addict, I knew I was struggling, but I could tell myself I had it under control and that when I had the time or I found the right method - I could get clean on my own. The reason I was able to keep up this internal dialogue of “I can fix this, I can get this under control” is because no one told me how bad it was on the outside looking in. No one mentioned how thin I had rapidly become. No one mentioned that they could see my tracks. No one mentioned that they saw me nearly falling asleep, getting itchy or uncomfortable in public settings, etc.

I may have known I had a problem, but I certainly didn’t realize the size of the problem until the people around me started bringing it to my attention. When people point things out to you, it can help break the facade that “it’s not that bad.” No one is suggesting fat people are stupid. Drug addicts aren’t stupid either. The human mind is capable of so much denial, there’s no way of knowing if she does grasp that she’s entirely lost control of the situation.

I am 25 weeks into pregnancy and I have POTS with Long QT. I have a history of full cardiac arrest. I have a defibrillator and pacemaker implanted into my chest. Do you know how many times people have yelled at me for sitting in priority seats? Or parking in a handicap space (I can’t drive, but I have the placard for when people drive me)? More frequently than they should. It costs zero dollars to mind your own business.

I guess we can agree to disagree here. I think if there’s people sitting in the seats there’s nothing wrong with asking nicely, but coming on the internet and assuming people are rude or careless and automatically don’t have disabilities because they don’t outwardly appear to have them is worse than not giving up your seat.

It’s absolutely fine to ask!! OP didn’t ask. They came on here stating unequivocally they deserved the seat more and I just don’t think that’s fair. A lot of these comments are saying people have no manners anymore, are selfish, etc. It’s just not very nice. I have an invisible disability - cardiac issues. They’ve very nearly killed me and could with ease. I look like a perfectly healthy 30 year old woman. Just give people the benefit of the doubt.

A living disabled person is more important than a fetus. I say this as a pregnant person with a cardiac issue. If I was having an episode of VT and could feel my pacemaker pacing, I would absolutely not give my seat up to a fellow pregnant woman because “there’s two of them.” No, there’s one of you and your fetus. My life is important. A fetus doesn’t trump a disabled person.

ETA: everyone loves women’s rights and being pro choice because a fetus is not a baby until it’s a wanted baby and it’s other people’s lives at risk. Whether the baby is wanted or not, a fetus will never be more important than a fully grown human being. Never.

I think the issue with posts like this is the automatic assumption that the people sitting don’t have an invisible disability. If someone with POTS gives you their seats, they’re more likely to fall than you are and they could get seriously injured or die themselves. It is entitlement to look at someone in a priority seat and assume they don’t have the right to sit there just because they’re not outwardly disabled.

As someone with an invisible disability when I’m not pregnant, I would not assume they aren’t equally as entitled to the seat.

When they’re little, C-curl and I follow the Safe Sleep 7. When they’re bigger I sleep wherever I can fit because they take up the entire bed 🫠

She’s not even six yet? I would be doing K again. Granted, age is really irrelevant - academic success rarely directly correlates with age - but I would imagine socially it’s probably a different situation

Joe Biden because his administration is actually capable of doing the job they are assigned to do, and they will not destroy democracy in the process.

dementia patient

Joe Biden does not have dementia. He has a speech impediment that he’s had since he was a child. There is absolutely no evidence that he has dementia.

son got rich around the world

Hunter Biden is not rich and he did.. have a job. Nepotism also isn’t a crime.

Israel Palestine

Has been happening for 50+ years

Russia Ukraine

Started in 2014

prices were lower

Because he benefited from Obama’s economic policies

peace in the world

COVID? BLM? Afghanistan?

Joe Biden has never said his son or wife was a member of his administration. His administration is who runs the show, as is the same with every other president. The admin draft legislation, they stack the cabinet, they take the meetings and do the breakdowns for the president. This is true for Trump as well as Biden. It’s not a secret. This is the way the presidency works in the U.S. It’s a team sport.

Donald Trump is a convinced felon. Donald Trump is a racist. He is a misogynist, a liar, someone who utilizes fear and bigotry to make himself money. He trades government secrets. He is a threat to democracy. The world is safer under Joe Biden’s administration not because it is Joe Biden, but because his admin is more capable than anyone Donald Trump has appointed to any position in his entire career.

Also, he isn’t a billionaire. Donald Trump has filed for bankruptcy multiple times and he’s nowhere near a billionaire. Idk where you get your information from but maybe double check whether or not it’s reliable.

I’m 25 weeks and I’ve had four, but I’m high risk so that’s more frequently than most people in the U.S.

come fight me I love pain

I like her better than Kourtney lol

Well I was more focused on the contractions so I don’t remember it being painful at all 🤣

You will most likely qualify for SNAP once the baby is actually born. They don’t take them into consideration until they’re earthside. My SNAP benefits aren’t going up until my son is physically born.

That being said, it can be very scary to bring a baby into a financially tenuous situation. I wasn’t in a great place with either of my children (currently expecting number 2), but trust me when I say.. you just figure it out. Babies are expensive, but not as expensive as some people make them out to be. They need diapers, clothes, food, and a safe place to sleep. That’s it. Everything else is extra.

As far as support goes, that is an important aspect of the situation. I recommend joining support groups, such as a group for single mothers. They’ll be able to help you with lots of resources in your area to help you get through this. I’m very lucky to have an active family presence, but I know that’s not the case for everyone. If it is an option, I would recommend utilizing that while you can.

Make sure when the baby is born you file for child support, reapply for WIC and SNAP through a caseworker. I know it’s easier to do it online, but the caseworkers have usually been doing this a very long time. They know workarounds and the best way to get the most out of your application. Don’t forget to note every single expense! Look into temporary disability if that’s an option for you as well, give yourself time to make a game plan and set yourself up for success.

Take a breath. Caring enough about your child to worry about these things is the first step to motherhood. Many people are struggling but there are ways to make it work, it just takes work to get there. It should be easier, but unfortunately that’s just not the world we live in. Best of luck ✨

She did it all the time and then outright said that she stopped simply because he was prioritizing them over sex. Years later she’s changing her tune, but it’s just as likely that she’s using it as a power play