Beach you think mao was alive and well till 1976

Mao is considered one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Mao's policies were responsible for a vast number of deaths, with estimates ranging from 40 to 80 million victims due to starvation, persecution, prison labour, and mass executions, and his government has been described as totalitarian.

This seems like a sound investment advice.

Based on the corners I can tell a kilo of coke was stored in there but op said nothing was found

The same way world let's Palestine genocide happen. Tables turned I doubt the world would let this happen.

They look uneven. Maybe needs some support. Giggity

Wouldn't project 2025 turn into full blown civil war. Whites 60 vs everyone else 40. Also if the George Floyd protests told you anything. It would be really 30 70

I have not 100k shares at 3.50

It will start at trillion dollars

Those are all some well behaved kids.

Not that long ago people loved him on this Sub. He really fked all of us over. Almost 5k down the drain

Or raise your leg and shake it all about and then around do the hokey pokey that's what it is all about

All those cuts means the mathematician guiding Zara was losing his shit

Leonardo dicaprio

Money, fucking models and ride around in my yacht.