I dote on mine like some sort of stage parent. Got me by the tits

Not usually one to enjoy Sandy but I felt myself tear up at how she treated Bri when she was crying

Weirdly sweet

Ya no not appropriate. Flirting or not, why teachers texting students so casually? 😂

Daviana! Would have loved to see more of her dancing

I always assumed Maddie said something that had some sort of sting about her being better in her opinion if they'd had a small spat or something. She had Abby putting her against all friends all the time and isolating her and filling her with compliments etc. She was also doing Sia stuff and succeeding I think at this time? It's not unexpected for a kid that age to make some ungracious comments, I wouldn't overthink lol

As sweet and lovely as they all are, they've 100% had some typical brat moments like we all have as kids hah, especially given that they're on TV and in a toxic environment.

Genuinely still in disbelief how most of them have turned out to be down to earth people given what they've been exposed to.

Private landlord had an agency take over who did not give a fuck about moving in people without us getting to vet them like we usually had (for 5 years prior).

Gave us one guy who also moved in his girlfriend on the same day even though she's not on the lease. It's been 3 months and she's still here and the agency don't understand why it's an issue.

He's even gone on holiday with his parents and she's stayed, and is more than comfortable having her own guests and parties etc while he's not here.

She's also pretty gross and just leaves her used tampons and pads around the house and is adamant on slamming every door in the house at all hours of the day and night, and eating everyone's food.

We've tried communicating how we feel about it and getting to a compromise, we've tried straight up saying we're not happy with it but nope, they don't care.

I move out next week :)

Scented candles, face the bed a different way/move it and fairy lights. Window wide open if it's not too cold for fresh air.

If it helps, this looks like it can be fixed and cleaned really easy! When I got bad, I just put everything bags and boxes so the space was clean and then sorted those out slowly.

I used SpareRoom to advertise myself as a roommate and literally just described how I'd be. I put things like 'quiet, clean and respectful. You probably won't see me or know I'm there, happy to just get on with life peacefully - hoping for the same in potential housemates'.

It took a while but a private landlord did reach out and said this was perfect for her house. I stayed there 5 years and then she handed over management to an agency and they replaced housemates without even vetting them other than payment abilities and now I'm moving out haha.

Door slamming

Constant 24 hr noisy guests

Perfectly happy using all your things and hogging them or even destroying them on some occasions without contributing to absolutely anything

The group dance where the older girls were ethereal monster creatueres with Elliana

Tampa by Alyssa Nutting. I had to shower between chapters.

Cows - Matthew Stokoe. I had to shower between pages

Yess my lease atm has this in it. It annoyingly doesn't give a time/stay limit, but it says you're responsible for anyone you bring in that isn't on the lease and then lists antisocial behaviour etc.

I think a lot of the time it's a mismatch in lifestyles and a bad match to live with. Venting is fine tho?

Ah man, if someone did this to me when I was at the peak of my depression this would have just made me worse and possibly tip me over the edge.

From experience its highly doubtful they're okay living like this. It probs plays on them every time they come home to it or leaves the house - probs why they're so keen to go out with friends rather than clean it.

Can you offer help? Weigh up for them the price of a pro cleaner and see if they can afford it? I'm not saying their mental health is your responsibility and they for sure need to stop taking your shit, it's unacceptable but from experience it's gonna get so ugly if they found out you did this.

I was lucky enough to have someone basically say "we know it's a mess, you gotta sort it but we also get it. A professional cleaner costs ____ much to do it and it you pay for one, we'll happily let them in and take care of it if you wanna go out to avoid them". It was so embarrassing and I cried for days but finally having it done gave me a fresh start.

Also worth noting that my mess was just my room. I didn't take other people's stuff, I didn't lie to people or leave communal areas in a state. The energy I had went to them and not my own space, I think that's why my housemates were so nice. Mental health doesn't mean you get to be a dick, but it does mean you might need help and understanding to pull yourself out.

I usually just take to my socials with a moodboard and short description of what I need and then offer to do some photography that the model would like as a thanks on top so everyone gets something, i also promise a print/copy of the photo on release of the project. (Or if I have a grant I pay)

It helps that I photograph a lot of performers and artists anyway so the freebie works out for us both.

I have similar cases :) one has my antique cameras on (because that case has my photography/art related books), the other has my rollerskates on (because I impulse got them over lockdown and never used them because I'm shit on feet let alone wheels and I didn't know where else to put them 😂)