I’ll second that. Really good.

But remember? Now the president has absolute immunity. If trump causes a scene, haul his pimply orange ass to jail. No reason needed.

I’m just getting…I’m just getting a loud buzzing noise in my left ear…

I see that sign every time I’m in Newport. One of these days I’m making that whole trip.

Steve- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! P.S. fuck yourself

Have a 2019 Rogue with 68000 miles. Have had tranny serviced twice, zero problems so far. Just take care of it.

King Kone is the bomb. FYI they’re cash only.

“The text Vic, don’t say the text!”

“Well you can’t get much more interesting than that…or can you?”

I think I read all of them. They were great.

Should’nt this be titled “Cry me a FUCKING River”?

Carne Asada at Burrito Heaven is the bomb. Their hot sauce rocks too!

PBS was my first exposure in the early 70’s. Holy sh!t I’m getting old !

I always like Easu. It’s a shame it didn’t get played more often