Then you should probably keep that gem to yourself. You don’t have to share every thought that pops into your head. We’re working on that with our seven year old right now, actually. 

I always check out the clearance section at the Blue/Orange store. Half the time they just want to get rid of some stuff because the need shelf space, other times is because it’s just an ugly plant that will look fine next year. I got 8 rose bushes this year for $7.50 each. 

When you have 125 million people living in an area the size of California deodorant becomes super important. 

I fully support the right to arm bears. 

it's just moss. it's not hurting the turtle

It only stops things it considers to be threatening 

I had no idea what you were talking about, so I googled. I found this review.

That kept happening to me earlier this year. Little buggers ate half of my tomato plants. I had dig up all of the remaining ones, removed the soil and stapled a layer of metal screen to some lattice at the bottom of the raised bed. Replaced the soil and replanted. Haven't had a problem since.

My tomatoes are basically in jail now.

I never understand people who hate trees, or shrubs, or landscaping of any kind...

Someone else would have stepped up to protect the status quo. Manchin and Sinema are not outliers.