Please just take some deep breaths what’s making you feel this way maybe I can help

Please don’t do it things will get better please call 988 and get help you’re worth it

Thanks I need to go to both of these. I was wondering if there’s any other areas I’ve seen the aloe at red rocks beautiful bird!

I meant is this a guy or or a girl because some people have been saying that this is a woman and other people have been saying that this is a man?

Best place and time to see wild animals

Hello, I love photography and was wondering if there’s any areas in Burlington you would recommend to see wild animals such as deer, raccoons, unique birds, skunks foxes,ect?

He screams a lot of stuff over the microphone the flags don’t really bother me. What bothers me as one I’m blocking my dog and he comes and screams. Random crap at me super loud over a microphone. It hurts my ears.

Funny enough, his TikTok is @clitmaster11

His TikTok is @Clit master 11. He also has a red car. I’ve been screamed at by this guy before over his speaker.

Apparently, his TikTok is @clitmaster11

I hope she can help with the homeless problem as well as crime. I hope she can do a good job as mayor

Thanks I may be asexual, but I don’t identify with the queer community personally

Thanks I do go out and do things and I am on a dating app, but I haven’t met anyone yet

Definitely not within the first year I’ve never desired sex. I’m not sure I ever will, but it is possible that that could change for me in the future.

Yeah, it’s just something that’s never appealed to me it’s not for religious reasons or anything like that

How to get a boyfriend

Hi, I am a women in my 20s and I would love to meet a boyfriend. I am currently not interested in pursuing sex of any sort which seems to be a barrier for finding others who want to be in a relationship. I was wondering if anyone had recommendations on how I could meet someone who has a similar view?

What is the most shocking thing about living in Burlington?

What do you think the most shocking thing would be for people who don’t live here to find out after they move here? (I’ve been living in Burlington since Covid)

I have Lyme disease, and I have heard that it was used as bio warfare in Plum Island