As a newer player to Modded XL…the gameplay and community are great. I really like that I’ve been able to basically customize my own style with mods. And it’s Super fun joining a multiplayer map, seshing a rail with friends/randoms. And Finding/sharing maps online. Also getting creative with the better object dropper, it’s everything I want out of a street skating game, the transition is tough but I’m getting better at it.

Twisting blades rogue is my number 1 followed by double swing dust devil Barb. Ice shards sorc is up there for me.

Definitely play it, absolutely a great play-through especially for a first timer. Worth the money even if you aren’t grinding super end game

Are you Thorns Barb? Curious about your gear

Quit drinking 5 years ago. Now I smoke a joint before a range session and Vape hoots here and there while I play.

That post to beam connection is suspect

Loser insecure bitchass drunk frat boy idiots is quite poetic

I agree that you need to play a lot to reach lvl 10. But I disagree that “almost anyone can reach it if they grind enough”. I have many friends that have grinded thousands of hours/games but will never get to lvl10.

I really like the Grand Canyon model you have here.

Lots to work on here but first I’d say try swinging without swaying your head/body back at all. Head should be as stationary as possible.

Your grip looks quite strong but do whatever keeps you having fun.

This is a good observation and will greatly help you learn to master util. Try throwing a flash and immediately on release you press primary weapon bind. This will switch to your primary slightly faster than if you waited for the animation. And JUST fast enough that you can now peek with your gun ready before the flash pops. It’s very slight but all good players have mastered this.