Good idea. Looks like we both saw it around the same time, it started doing it to me sometime yesterday also. What next, Microsoft builds unwanted AI chat bot right into Windows?Wait...


Yep, his ethics are quite embarrassing, and he's lost any potential business I might have with him if I ever make a game OST or otherwise need someone to handle music IP!

Don't get me wrong, I'm open to playing what Julian Gough, author of Minecraft's "end poem", once referred to as "the capitalism game", but only to the extent necessary to achieve a modest RoI (and I have a specific percentage in mind for a definition of "modest"). I do not want to play it so aggressively that I ruin the artistic value for everyone.

PS: I normally stay logged out of my Reddit account after the greedy foolishness spez pulled back in April-June. Speaking as a software developer that, until recently, would've considered using their API to make cool things for the community, I would've been quite content if the moderator protests kept Reddit shut down. However, I'll login on occasions like this where the value of voicing my opinion outweighs the tiny bit of data (and basically 0 ad revenue) I'm generating in the process.

Back to being a lurker-with-an-adblocker now! Goodbye Reddit!


Agreed. My dad, whose main use of the app is to receive calls from me on his phone, can't stand the new layout. He's not even a big discord user, so any claim they might make about this being more "familiar" to users of other apps is complete bull as far as I'm concerned.

I'm also disabled, and my phone is hard enough to use without tone deaf (or simply uncaring, I saw a theory they are going to start showing sponsored stuff on the "active now" page) layout changes being forced upon me that ACTIVELY increase the number of actions I need to do anything that I want to do.

I recently canceled my Nitro subscription (even though it was only the basic tier) for other reasons, and from everything I'm seeing regarding this I don't think I will resume it for the foreseeable future (Honestly, I'm not even sure that will bother them, since I think the company might be getting kickbacks from sharing data with China, but if that's true I'd basically have to switch to a competitor. Hence my next point). TBH, if I were a more driven programmer, I'd probably have tried to make a competitor for this app years ago. To borrow terms from project management, the discord app project has been pivoted so many times over the past few years that I'm starting to get dizzy.

Oh. My God. That just made me crack such a wide and stupid grin.


Thanks for confirming that I was on the right track with my interpretation of the skip. It took me a few times reading it to understand what happened to Jasper, but I came to the same conclusions you did about the whole thing.

To be fair, the probability of it happening is somewhat high, considering how often meteorites occur in the game across players' saves and the likelihood of someone uploading a screenshot of it intentionally or even incidentally.

Ever heard of malicious compliance? Pretty sure that's what's going on here: Reddit threatened to have moderators removed via enforced democracy if the subs remained closed in spite of expressed user majority (oblivious or ignorant of the concept of a silent majority, but I think they just wanted to union-bust anyway they could)... So if the admins want DEMOCRACY, we do a little democracy, what could possibly go wrong?

I don't know, I think these rules are fun, if a bit challenging, but then I haven't exactly been posting a whole lot since the API changes.


u/spez can put the API changes where the sun does not shine. You have severely miscalculated the value of your API, and should fire the bean counter that gave you the numbers you are going by. Out of spite, I've edited this message several times.


Yep. Although there does seem to be a tone of "malicious compliance" to all of this

The hard problem of consciousness really is a pain in the dick isn't it? Unfortunately, until we solve that one, until we can figure out why subjective experiences are so subjective (whether because of souls or something else), I think the most objective answers will have to be about the physical processes, since that's something we can scientifically examine. Experience is much more subjective, otherwise we wouldn't have the weird dichotomy of sadomasochism…

PS: and I don't want to see any jokes about the "hard and soft" problems of consciousness. Just because this is ELI5 doesn't mean you have to act that age or even three times it

oh don't get me wrong, if not for my desire to comment on the spectacle, I would probably would be off the platform too. (Though I don't feel like there's any sense deleting since they are under no obligation to actually delete the underlying data, unless I happen to be a legal resident of California or something)

the only reason I'm still on this platform at all is to observe the dumpster fire that's brewing. I have unsubbed from most communities and started running the Wayback Machine over anything I cared about enough to comment on.

That collective action also made Reddit realize they need to make an exception for at least one or two "accessible" apps, so does that count for nothing with you? And what is 2 days in the grand scheme of things?

Because Reddit didn't budge more than an inch. Actually, they pushed back and are apparently looking into ways to go over the mods heads/remove them without looking suspicious.

They have every right to do this, it's their platform, and the moderators are disrupting the user experience considerably (I certainly wish there was a way to at least see any useful Q&A posts, maybe any posts flared with "question" on a given sub), but I really think they're not listening if that's the best they can do.

It saddens me that most of the comments on this post seem to be from a loud minority that's angry at the moderators rather than Reddit.

They gave a general indication they would allow accessibility apps, but as noted on r/blind , they haven't adequately clarified this in their terms and the r/blind mods have been unable to get anywhere from contacting the admins.

I'm also afraid they are just saying these things to take heat off the issue. If they really cared about resolving the issue they would've taken the hint and backed off on the API pricing. Maybe half of what they originally planned to charge would be reasonable? These apps add value to the platform, I think a 50% split on the cost would be much better received.

Technical note: I'm also going to look into their API documentation to see how many requests I would likely have to make per page load. Though come to think of it, maybe part of the problem is that they are using the API in the first place instead of direct HTTP get requests

yeah... I kind of i agree with that point. Although doesn't crawl this site regularly?

This is a key realization one has to learn when building one's social skills. You have to learn to separate the forum and community from the people&interactions you've met through it. Forums and sometimes communities might die out (Had that happen with my discord guild, though I still keep the shell of it around for sentimental reasons), but humans are getting remarkably robust against the Grim Reaper, and the memory of the interactions with humans even more so.

Speaking as someone with a disability (Though in my case, I'm paralyzed, not vision impaired), I am moved by your difficulties and have added this to my list of reasons I'm going to avoid Reddit (or at least avoid being logged in or tracked on it. See footnote) if they don't change toward a more amicable stance by the end of June.

Speaking is a software developer (though one without bad habit of spreading themselves too thin), I want to look into the viability of an open source forum software platform. "Open source" and "platform" are concepts that normally don't work well together, since someone with the source could undermine the platform's position at any point, but the idea of distributed platforms like mastodon challenges that thinking. Maybe we can do something similar with a Reddit-like experience? Let me know if you want my input on your backup plans, I may not be great at actually putting ideas to code (and my disability contributes to that to an extent), but I'm certainly qualified to brainstorm such things.

Footnote: I mostly say this because, if they follow through, I want to scrape as much of their Q&A content as I can so I can post it on other platforms before they die a prolonged and painful death.

No you're right, I read that and was somewhat disarmed by it since one of my main emotional investments in this was as someone with a disability (albeit not a visual disability, which is why I'm not often on this sub; I'm paralyzed). But you're absolutely right, they're trying to divide and conquer so they can get away with the erosion of user choice. That's why they're so determined to power through this, they know they can pull a fast one on the users. Thank you for opening my eyes (Thinks to himself "Yes, I'm sure they've never heard that one before") to this tactic.