Aw thanks dude, I just want to make sure you enjoy stuff too. It was a neutral comment as you said. I'm Scottish, so if anything it's a day of mourning for us.

Yeah surely it’s easier to give up and file. Maybe they believe in what they’re doing!

Come on boss, say one positive thing about anything

Woah, you have lived! I hope things are more stable for you now sir! I do agree that it sounds like a bit of a slow opener, surely they've built in an override?

Dude just enjoy being American for the day. We’ll still be here for you to abuse tomorrow when the market opens

Happy Independence Day from us American bros and sis’s

I think I’ve come to the conclusion that this stock is not like the others

The fuck are you guys doing here 🤣 get thee to the OPTT sub or make one or build a treehouse or something

You seem like a musk fanboy. You realise he’s desperately trying to copy China’s Wechat service to make his ‘everything app’ (in between fondling fascism)? 

Dude stop chewing on that sino-hateburger. Yes, China has a history of copyright issues and copying western designs. Guess what? They’re starting to innovate themselves and take the lead in plenty of industries. 

Post-war Japan went through the same thing. People mocked them for copying western products and then they took the lead with cars, electronics, robots etc.