Rendering Tree like componentsHelp Wanted

I am trying to draw a literal tree, with nodes and elements that u can interact with and update.

So for example:
- Image a tree with a long stem
- Each node has multiple fruit
- You can click on the fruit and update it

I am doing this right now using ReactNativeZoomableView inside are some svgs and components. However the bigger the tree the slower the app is. Is there a way to optimize this? With a very big tree rendering is taking a couple of seconds.

Any suggestion is appreciated

think of it like spending 10% less. Seriously what are they thinking

That is not nice, these guards are underpaid and work hard on protecting our camp. Also does that really work? asking for a friend

Mithras for lifeee

Define a bit? are we getting a wipe with the coming patch?πŸ₯²

Thanks for replying, i thought it was just me

Thanks chefπŸ’¬ | General

Story time,

I was trying to finish a mission but i dont have the LZ , i prepared my self for a long walk and got ready. Before i requested a heli, i just asked if someone can get me to that LZ. That’s how i met Chef Ronin (not his tag for his privacy)

This guy, not only did he get me there and help me finish the mission, he gave me two fully equipped guns, some extra 60 rounds mags and dropped a high tier armor πŸ˜… without me asking for anything, i just wanted the LZ

Just wanted to show some appreciation for the chef and players like him, he made my day. (LZ campers can go f themselves πŸ˜‚)

Ryzen 7 7800X3D, RTX3080TI :glorious_think:

They ranked up to β€œfrends” status now

Ryzen 7 7800X3D, RTX3080TI :glorious_think:

omg this is hard to watch

Hear me out, the mortars in the camp to workπŸ˜… you can send a request to camp to shell an area and if someone is at the camp and responds they have to load them and shoot

Laser attachment would be nice also

also if u break line of sight and run to the other side the AI will still get you πŸ˜‚

but seriously, it is still early access definitely needs balancing, i am getting snipped with an ak from across the zone πŸ˜‚

I would participate if the prize was all keys for all missions 😁😁 just an idea

I am really hoping for an ipad version πŸ₯²

yesss, but what if in one hand u had a revolver and in the other you had an smg

hopefully the result has an impact

what if in one hand i had a revolver and the other and smg, that would be interesting

I agree with your sentiment, i am loving everything regarding the game even the weird balancing issue and whatever others complain about. My only major issue is with the PSN thing, granted not arrow head problem but still it is sad that people want to play it and cant (in fking 170+ countries)