I've got all the fruits and vegetables, so if there are still some you are missing I'll bring them by or let you visit here and run around a bit or shop if you'd like after I load you up on fruit and veg. Let me know, I'll send you a code.

I'd look to youtube videos for that, I bet there are a few there.

The furniture is wood block furniture customized by Cyrus. I think the climbing structure is from nook miles, as is the lights and vending machine and gumball machine and sandbox.

Closed now, but you can still message me, maybe we can find a good time to get together. Pink cosmos. Pink and purple mums. Orange, blue and purple pansies. Pink Lilies and a few orange and chocolate ones. Lots or orange and purple tulips and a few pink and chocolate ones. Blue and purple windflowers. Purple hyacinths. Message me a dodo and what your favorites are, it takes me about 10 minutes to dig them up. maryc from blue heron

nature points are always plants. She gets on a fencing kick at one point, you need about 50 fences and I didn't have a place for them so I fenced my cliffs like I was worried people would fall off. Her comments switch between talking about plants and talking about decorations, in reality you usually need more of both, it's just a see-saw of advice.

The dirty secret is your decorations don't have to be attractive or even make sense to get to 5 stars. I've seen people put mannequins of the same custom clothing design all over their island, the same damn shirt design, and it counted, it moved them to 5 stars. There's a guide that shows you all the point counts and how to do it, //nintendosoup.com/guide-how-a-5-star-island-rating-is-exactly-calculated-in-animal-crossing-new-horizons/

For me, I tried to make little areas and lard them up. A picnic table had a radio and a picnic basket, there was a barbecue and a cooler and a bunch of different balls and plates of food laying around. There are a lot of ideas, setting up a band, coffee stands and sofas for people to sit around on, a projector or large tv with seating as an outdoor movie theater. I'd look around on youtube, there are a lot of specific videos on how to get to a 3 star or 5 star island. Both will help you, a 5 star island is a 3 star island with even more of the same 3 star stuff. Find things you want to make and plop them down in corners and on the beach. Plant a lot of flowers, flowers count about the same as trees towards your 500+ plant points (the scenery.) Think about big things, like grand pianos and carnival rides and ice cream or coffee stands. I made my island with the things that I would like to live around. It isn't that hard, it's just tedious, so do a little scene each day or so and you'll get there.

I plant mine in a diamond pattern all over my island, like a new meadow in each place. Then I scoop up the hybrids and give them to people. You can sell them, too. They really help getting to 5 stars, they count the same as trees for your 500+ plant (scenery) points.

Once you start moving buildings you'll never stop. You'll walk by and see one house is 1 row of spaces too close or too far away from the other, so you're off to give Tom 10,000 bells to move it. The worst part is most houses need 2 moves, you put it on the beach, then figure out the best way to put it back.

Tulips in orange, purple, chocolate. Purple hyacinths. Lilies in pink and chocolate. Mums in pink and purple. Pink cosmos. Pansies in purple, blue, orange. Roses in orange, purple, blue, gold, black. DM me your dodo code and what you would like. I can bring 30, will do more than 1 trip to clear my beach.

It looks like you've got a stall back and to the right, maybe throw something colorful on it like pizza or fruit salad. I've seen people put gyroids as counter staff by setting them on stone stools, maybe log stools work too. I like things that aren't as cluttered, so I don't have as many interesting things in one place as most people. You could put some flowers out, they can frame an area without using fencing so it's easier to walk around. I like your layout, I wouldn't have thought of putting the pool there.

Closed I have chocolate, orange, pink and purple tulips, purple hyacinths and purple pansies available. Send me a dm with your dodo code and I will deliver. I will also deliver fruit and vegetables to new players who are missing some. maryc from blue heron. It's best to respond below so I know to look for the dm.

I do. I've got all the veg, also. Send me a dodo and I'll deliver.

There is a code sharing page. If you go there and say you want to visit somebody's island you will probably find someone to invite you in 15 minutes or so. If it doesn't work it might be not too many people are online right then, so try again the next time you play. That page also has open houses posted where they let anyone come over. You can also ask for help collecting all the fruit and crops to grow if you are missing some. Code sharing is where the action is. : ) If you want to dm me I'll invite you over, I just have to get signed on first.

I would suggest you start from the middle and work your way out, one ring of squares at a time. Otherwise you might run out of room starting from left to right or bottom to top. If your houses are on the beach put down a 4x4 patio for each of them until you're done landscaping so you can make sure there is enough room without huge gaps. You have to leave 2 squares on each side for yards unless you just have front yards or have city paving to door. My house placement was a disaster, placing the house, moving it to landscape differently, placing it again and it's still wrong, I went crazy. I can't see a fruit orchard, you don't have to have one and maybe I didn't look correctly. I really like your plan. I don't think anyone can do that super-crowded curvy path cottage core on the first pass, they usually put the big stuff down then fill it in a bit at a time.

I think the planting counts, not the buying, or people would just stockpile them.

Go to the code sharing page. Say you're new and you want to visit. You'll usually get an invite via dm or chat. If it doesn't work post the next time you play, people always seem to find somebody. There are also a lot of acnh videos on youtube, be sure to check out beginner ones, if you look at a finished cottage core by a detail oriented islander it will be so over-cuted and impossible to walk through you'll go home stunned and useless for a day or two, unable to place a flower bed "correctly" You can also take those dream island tours, if you can't find a good one just take pot luck, they're always fun.

Right now I'm making things interesting by adding new humans so I'll have a house for a restaurant or downtown street scene living room with little bars and shops for the rooms, I saw it once all dark and rainy, it was great. The living room was the street with lamps and paved center with sidewalks. Anyway, I'm busy with them so I'm not bored.

A couple humans on my island gave Marcie the normal kangaroo some clothes that she wears, but rarely 2 different ones in the same week, and 2 of them have her picture, so the friendship is high. I don't have much luck giving clothes, maybe wrapping them helps, or being a birthday more than anytime, I don't know. I hate most of their wardrobes so I'd love island designer only for clothes so I could fill their closet, they could pick but they'd all be good choices. Axel is hopeless, and Filbert is wearing snowflake sweaters on hot days.

I never thought of using tables. I was trying to make it work in my head with 3 terraform layers and couldn't do it. Don't go crazy getting overhead pictures, the tables idea is enough. Overhead shots are always nice to figure out how things were done, though. Thanks for sharing. maryc

If you send me a dodo I will bring them. I'll also have room for wood or hybrid flowers.

  1. Where'd you get the bird statues in florist area? 2. Arches in front of flower case is genius. 3. Would you consider sharing an overhead view of tiny town? I'd love to see how you place buildings to get that effect, even though I might head in another direction as a theme. 4. Butterfly statues in garden is lovely surprise. Now I'll go back to clueless isle to see if I can path my houses area in a way that doesn't look stupid. Thanks.

The only island feature that's straight from god is resident services. If you like where that is, and you like your villagers and stuff I'd consider flattening. You keep your villagers and stuff that way, but it's a week or more of boring construction work. I restarted because my game was on somebody else's switch and they quit. I got the river & plaza arrangement I wanted and I liked where the rivers let out. It was surprising fun to go through the beginning knowing how the game progressed. The only strike against flattening is you pick your cliffs. It's a bit like flower arranging, there's a talent to where you put the daisy and the rose and I don't have it. I'm sure I'd make the whole island look like 3 giant stair steps.

I had to buy a switch and start a new island when I couldn't play on somebody else's anymore. I was able to get the layout I wanted and found out there were other villagers I liked. I got my fav back through nookizon. The first month was tough, but I don't regret starting over. There are videos about flattening your island, if you like your rivers and resident services layout you can keep all your stuff and your people. Whatever you do I'm sure you'll have fun.