Youre gonna hear the indian national anthem in public before you hear O Canada

I saw that movie, i thought it was bullshit.

Have the makings of a varsity athlete

Definitely looks like his hammy just went yikes

And you especially dont shit where I eat

Alright mate looks like youve got all your badges in order. Just saying the way ya wrote that makes it seem a player must be English to be homegrown, so no its not simpler to state it that way. Given vast majority are obviously.

The fact he is english itself doesn't count for homegrown quota, you know that right.

Scarles and Earthy for me.

That night in Prague > my wedding day > birth of my child.

In that order.

Homegrown player. That is literally all. Think Carson for City lol.

Kilman would be a fantastic signing. Left footed rock of a CB, homegrown, in his prime or ahead of it, Lupe connection from his time at Wolves. Make it happen timmy.

I refuse to believe THAT Lanzini screamer was in 2020. Wheres the time

Paul Merson is a miserable cunt.